*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Thursday, March 30, 2006

More~ Libra, Cancer, Pisces & Sagittarius

Sept 23 - Oct 23--> Librans
THE Zodiacal Sign of Libra commences on September 21st, but for seven days it does not come into full power until on or about September 28th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until October 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing power on account of becoming overlapped by the incoming sign Scorpio. This sign of Libra is represented in symbolism as The Balance. The Sun, the ruler of our inner nature, falls in Libra, the exaltation of Saturn. Their love of justice, combined with the need to be fair and even-handed contributes to that characteristic difficulty such people find in making decisions quickly. These people are rarely lazy. They work hard, and also demand that their partners work just as hard. They have a strong sense of justice and fair play. It is pretty unusual for them to express anger, but when they do it is usually a storm. They are extremely positive and decisive in all their thoughts and actions. They have great foresight and intuition, and are generally seen at their best when acting on first impressions. The fear is usually well controlled so the typical representatives of this sign usually looks calm, collected, and in charge of the situation. Good natured and loving, they enjoy talking to people, yet can also be very attentive listeners. They are often very psychic, have curious presentiments, and would make very devout spiritualists, theosophists, and occultists, and yet so strongly endowed are they with the desire to reason out everything that their love of exact proof usually overwhelms their psychic powers. They are often very successful as speculators, but they have little regard for the value of money, and have as rule great ups and downs in their careers. Libra is a sign that values peace at all costs, and is very fair minded. People like being around Librans, for in the event of a dispute they will seek a compromise. People born in this time symbolize a "balance." They seem always trying mentally to balance things and get an even judgment. They are often found in public life, but it is with their innate desire to adjust the balance of things by making laws for the betterment of their fellows. This people graciously accept praise for their achievements and will gladly give praise to others, when they deserve it. LIBRA is the zodiac sign of Partnership.These people's nergies are focused on melding and combining with others; they are at their best in personal relationships. Born under the sign of the Scales, they strive for balance and harmony and are happiest when their environment is ordered and serene. These people are very good at science, and often spend their lifetime in study and research in some particular subject, again weighing and balancing every side of the question in the most conscientious manner. For this reason they make excellent doctors. Usually they become masters of some particular line of study more than as general practitioners. On the other hand representatives of this sign are not the most reliable people, either in what they should do, or in maintaining any particular view point. They are often accused of being two faced. Beneath that charming exterior they are very self centered, and insist on getting their own way, As lovers these people are the most quintessential romantics among the zodiac. Venus ruling, they have an idealistic view of love and togetherness. Once these people fall in love, they start thinking of marriage. On the other hand these people seldom find happiness in marriage. In affection they appear to weigh and balance matters too much. In relationships generally, they invariably give back in kind what they have been given. They are really successful, however, in making large circles of friends and acquaintances.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
THE Zodiacal Sign of Cancer commences on June 21st, but for days it does not come into full power until on or about June 28th. From this date onwards it is In full strength until July 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Leo. Such people are easily hurt by the slights of others. These are very complex people, sometimes appearing extremely strong and at other times to be as vulnerable as a child. These people are remarkably good at accumulating things; indeed, they can be unwilling to throw anything out, even relationships that have passed their use-by date. They are generally over-anxious in financial matters, and make great efforts to gather in money; as a rule, they have unusual ups and downs in their early life and so they are compelled to work to keep ahead, but once they get on their feet they keep there. If channeled in the right direction, their enormous sensitivity can become a great source of strength. Once they overcome their touchiness and master their turbulent emotions, their intellect and imagination enable them to become a success in almost anything they undertake. The main problem for them is to remember not to let the powerful, turbulent emotions of the moment crowd out their normally rational judgment. Their intuitions are reliable and should be trusted. They are generally gifted with strong imaginations, and it is very easy for them to become excellent artists, writers, composers, or musicians. At heart they are romantic and of a very loving and affectionate disposition. On the other hand these people are perhaps the most sensitive natures from any other class of people and if aren’t recognized they quickly give up or get depressed and melancholy. Above all, they require encouragement and appreciation. Their deep sensitivity presents them with valuable and illuminating intuitions, especially regarding those they care for. They often make excellent psychics, and usually have a yearning after the mysterious. They should never marry young, for their nature seems to change at different stages of life. People born in this part of the year often reach very high exalted positions. In their home lives, however, they usually go through a great deal of trouble, and are seldom surrounded by happiness, no matter how successful they may appear in the eye of the world. Such people have deep love for what they call "their own people," for family customs and for tradition.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
THE Zodiacal Sign of Pisces commences on February 20th, but for seven days, it does not come into its full power until about February 27th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until March 20th, and it is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Aries. This gentle sign cannot hurt your directly, it is their weaknesses that can scramble your brains. The majority of Pisces people are kind and gullible. The young Pisces are adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Pisces are pioneers both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. These people possess a curiously natural understanding, which they do not obtain from books or study. They easily acquire, or rather absorb, knowledge, especially of the history of countries, travel, research, and like subject. Although by nature generous, yet they are usually over-anxious about money matters, and inclined to worry about what their future position in life may be. This state of mind is largely due to their dislike and dread of being dependent on others more than from any love of money. They can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in their companions and, though themselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. These qualities make them, however, much misunderstood, and they are often considered dose in money matters when in reality they are not. People born in this period often go back on their promises, especially on questions of money. They promise to give, on the impulse of the moment, but if they have time for reflection then the tear of future poverty forces them, as rule, to break their promise or give perhaps, only one hah of what they had stipulated. From that point of view people born in this period should try to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move. These people are also more mentally ambitious than otherwise. They may know their subject well in their mind, but they will hesitate and undervalue their own individuality if they find they have to put it to a test in any public manner They are inclined to brood and become melancholy, or to imagine all the world is against them and that they are being made martyrs of. Depression gets them. Because they see life as a mystical whole, they take it as a sign that they're bad people when things go wrong. No other zodiac sign plans the evening on the basis of a reading from a fortune cookie. Many artists, musicians and literary people are born m this period, but they must receive great encouragement ever to make the best of themselves. These people are very devoted to their friends or to any cause they take up, provided they feel they are trusted or looked up to. They are generally successful in ail positions of responsibility, bat at the same time they are not inclined to push themselves forward, and usually wait to be asked before giving their opinions. The strongest and weakest characters are found in this sign. Some are inclined to gratify their innate sense of luxury and self-indulgence and, if this side of the nature is the one that controls, they are likely to be too easy-going, to be too receptive to their surroundings, to become influenced by false friends, to give way to fraudulent schemes and in some cases are inclined to become addicted to drugs or drink. If, however, persons born in this part of the year find some purpose worth living for, they rise to the emergency as no others can. These are the people that one meets sometimes in Life who surprise their friends by their sudden change of character. Pisceans are shy. Other people think they are mysterious, or just confused, but a Pisces can sort out other people's troubles. All people who were born in this sign are highly emotional. If they belong to the weak side of it, they are easily influenced by the people with whom they are thrown into contact, but if they belong to the stronger side, their emotional nature can lift them up to any height. In business matters they are really good in dealing with shipping and trade with foreign countries. Sea captains, sailors of all kinds, also travelers, are often born under this sign. Such people have a curiously mystical side to their nature as well as the practical. They are often classed as superstitious, the occult in all its forms appealing to them in one way or another. They love to search out or investigate the unknown, the philosophical, or the mysterious. If people born in this sign overcame their sensitiveness and developed their will-power, there is no position in life they could not attain. It is important to remember that there is still the little devil in them, which means that at times they would attain their goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting their ambitious entangled in something larger and more powerful than they are. They will lie to save your feelings, or just to stake out a little privacy for themselves. They don't like to be alone too much, just a little, to get the peace back. They can get addicted to booze, pills, or crackerjacks, so they really have to watch it.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
THE Zodiacal Sign of Sagittarius commences on November 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about November 2Stfi. From this date onwards it is in full power until December 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of being overlapped by the incoming Sign Capricorn. The symbols for Sagittarius are the hunter and the centaur, a mythical half-man, half-horse. This sign symbolizes the search for wisdom; this is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer. They have an appetite for learning and travel. Such people prefer to be footloose and fancy free, however should they become involved in a relationship they make it as enjoyable and as much fun as possible. Normally they are very gregarious, but they will be glad to find the time for that special relationship. They concentrate all their attention on whatever they are doing at the moment, and seem to see no other way but theirs until their effort is made. They are often the great workers; such people never seem to tire until they drop with fatigue. They would rather learn on their own, through travel and experience, than endure structured classroom environments and routine work assignments. These people are usually successful in business, but never feel themselves confined to any one line. They follow the rule if they have been successful in some one thing there is no reason whatever that they must follow it through life. To have an open minded and intellectual curiosity means that these people are willing to learn about other people in an effort to understand them, while being trusting and open. High spirited and congenial, they are a gifted conversationalist, a wonderful storyteller, and a born entertainer. Nearly all of them are devoted to music. They often make brilliant musicians. It is also writing, publishing, TV, communications and enterprises where there are many representatives of this sign. These people are, however, inclined to go to extremes in all things, and make sudden decisions, or change their minds rapidly, for which they may have regrets, but they are too proud to acknowledge their error. One of their great difficulties lies within relationships. They are completely able to be faithful to two people at once. The men of this Sign nearly always marry on impulse and regret it afterwards, but they are too proud to show their regrets and too conventional to appeal to the courts for assistance, so they often pass for models of married happiness even when they are the most wretched. The women born in this Sign are, as a rule, the nobler of the two; they love to make their husbands successful and will sacrifice everything to that end. They are usually great church-goers. On the other hand both men and women when they settle down they usually treat themselves strictly. They refuse to let the relationship get stale and always look for ways to bring excitement into the union. Such people, in general, are representatives both beginnings: strength, because it is a survival mechanism and a weakness because are vulnerable to the demands and influence of others. Frank Sagittarius does not hesitate to give an honest opinion, which can seem tactless. They venerate law and order and make the best of mothers. People born in this period, even when successful, should never cease to be actively employed inactivity for them would mean despondency and an early decay.

Okie... tat's so much bout the 12 different Zodiac signs.. Hope ya Njoy the reading journey~!

The Lions~ Leo, Aries & Virgo

Read on!

Jul 22 - Aug 23
THE Zodiacal Sign of Leo commences on July 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about July 28th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until August 20th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Virgo. The Fire sign in these people is enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic. Represntatives of signs are happy, lucky people. Fixed people are stable. They don't like much change. Status quo suits them fine. They will stick to things and get them done. People born in this period always aim to get above the common herd of humanity, and they themselves in turn are naturally attracted to strong personalities – in fact, they will forgive any fault in the people they like so long as they have individuality and purpose. They are usually generous, kind, and openhearted, they find it hard to believe ill of others. If injured, they strike back quickly, but they also forgive easily and never hold a grudge. The bright side of Leo is very bright indeed, "sunny side up" they are very much attuned to the life giving properties of our Sun itself. The typical Leo is flamboyant and generous with tremendous charm and a magnanimous spirit. The Sun is the single most important planet, because it represents a LEO's ego and individuality. It shows their ambitions and deepest character traits, where they have the ability to shine. Such people represent what might be termed the heartforce of humanity. They are overflowing with sympathy, and are generally generous to a fault. They are usually lucky in money matters, often having money given to them from unthought-of sources; but they crave love above all, and this is the one thing they seldom get. Such people have the power to inspire others, and as leaders like Napoleon, born in this Sign. They have an ability to lead their men through fire or death. People who were born in this period usually have an extremely independent spirit; they detest control or being dictated to. They have great tenacity of purpose and will power and if once they put their mind on some plan, purpose or position, they usually reach their goal in spite of every difficulty or obstacle. Though full of ambition and enthusiasm, Leo has to admit to a lazy streak and, given the opportunity, will take the easy way out, especially when a situation offers little fun or glory. This is something lazy, luxurious Leo needs to watch. These people are usually very patient and long-suffering, but if once roused, they know no fear and do not even know when they meet defeat, or acknowledge it when they do. As a rule, people born in this period feel isolated and lonely in life, and if not actively employed in some work or purpose they become melancholy and despondent.

Mar 20 - Apr 20
THE Zodiacal Sign of Aries commences on March 21st, but for next seven days, it does not come into its full power. It starts loosing the power form May 14th. For seven days it is gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign -Taurus. People who were born in this section of the year have unusually strong will power and great obstinacy of purpose. They are usually born to be fighters in every sense of the world: they have also the greatest ability as organizers on a large scale. They find themselves as the organizers of big schemes or as the heads of big businesses, and also in the organization and development of countries. They seem naturally to resent all criticism, and the only way to offset this in them is by quiet logic, reason, and proof. These people are usually independent in everything they do. It is really important for them to do everything in their own way, and if they are intervene with other people they generally loose the shapes of the main purpose, step back and let the other person take their place. As a rule they are unhappy in their domestic life. It is very difficult for such people to meet a member of the opposite sex who would understand them, and if opposition does not upset them from this point it usually does through their children. Yet these people, be they men or women, deeply, fervently and strongly desire for affection and sympathy, more than anything else, and this is generally the rock on which they are finally wrecked if they have not the good fortune to meet their right affinities. As far as material success or power is concerned, there are no heights to which persons born in this sign wouldn’t be able to. Success, however, is not making them feel really happy and satisfied. They are inclined to lack caution, being by nature impulsive and quick in thought and action. They are and inclined to mike enemies very easily. They are enormously ambitious, as a rule they succeed in life and gain money and position. The lower type of this sign will stick at nothing to accomplish their purpose. The higher type are good masters, but at the same time severe in discipline and more or less unbending in everything they expect from other people. All representatives of this sign have a distinct desire to peer into the future, perhaps because they are impatient for things to develop. They are inclined to prophesy what will take place, and are often succeed in that. As a general rule, the men born in this part of the year suffer a great deal through their affections; they seldom understand women, and make lots of serious mistakes in their relations with them. For both sexes, they are happy only at moments when they are absolutely absorbed with their work and manage to overcome of obstacles. All people and especially those who were born in this sign seldom get through life without receiving cuts, wounds, or blows to the head, either from accidents or violence.

Aug 23 - Sept 22
THE Zodiacal Sign of Virgo commences on August 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about August 29th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until September 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign - Libra. The emblem of Virgo, a virgin holding sheaves of wheat in her hands symbolizes wisdom, garnered in the fields of experience. Like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy and, like a virgin tend to wait to give herself to the perfect lover, Virgo is also idealistic. With a Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick thinking and observant. They define pure modesty; they can't bear to be taken care of, they prefer to take care of others. People who were born in this period are as a rule generally successful in life. They have keen, good intellects, are very discriminating about those with whom they associate, and in all business matters they have good judgment, and are not easily imposed upon or deceived. They are usually materialistic in their views of life, and analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards. These people are and attracted to only that knowledge that can be applied usefully. They will happily share this information with anyone, if it confirms their own usefulness in the world, and brings them eagerly out of there shells. These people can become good literary critics, being quick to see the weak points. They are extremely fond of harmony in their surroundings, have excellent taste about their house and dress, and always want things in good taste, and elegant. Virgos are usually fastidious about their personal appearance, have a great respect for rank and position, and are great supporters of the law and the law's decisions. They usually develop this skill to improve themselves and their surroundings as they place great pride in tangible achievements. These people may spend part of their lives heading off on detours and then suddenly emerge as someone with a remarkable sense of direction. They can adjust easily to change once they find a way of fitting the new situation into their routine. They are inclined to become wrapped up in themselves and their own ideas, and often become selfish in the close pursuit of their aims. These people are more capable of going to extremes in good and evil than any other type. If they develop a love for money they will stick at nothing to acquire it, and this type is often considered cunning and crafty at the expense of others. In love they are the most difficult to understand, the very best and the very worst of men and women being born in this part of the year. To people born under this sign love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental. Love for them is devotion and will include love of family, friends, and those less fortunate than he or she. There is no pretense involved in how they act or what they say. Marriage is a major commitment; they value their union as both a love relationship and a working partnership. A warm relationship brings out the best in anyone born under this sign because basically they are kind, devoted and very loyal. Disappointment, however, can harden them into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgos consequently become quite critical with themselves as well as with circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature.

TauRus~ Apr 20 - May 21

Pok ah.. izit accurate for U? I haven read thru doh... =)

The zodiacal Sign of Taurus commences on April 20th, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about April 27th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until May 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Gemini. Taurus is the sign of practicality and possessions. People born under the sign of Taurus tend to be very patient, practical and dedicated people. Such people are usually very cautious when dealing with people, life and money. They have a curious power of dominating others, even when not conscious of trying to do so. People who were born in that time are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love. They have great power of endurance, both physical and mental, and can pass through enormous strains of fatigue as long as the excitement or determination lasts. They make wonderful hosts and hostesses, and have great taste about food, and in the management of their houses they can make much out of little. These people often become excellent directors, have good business intuition, but are generally considered richer than they really are, as they always dress well and look well. They are governed by their sensations and by their loving nature, but affection has a greater hold on them than passion. Such people are also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life. Taurus is motivated by a need for security; this sign is good for business matters and can be trusted to carry things through with absolute care. These people are very strong-willed and often quite creative. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, giving success with matters to do with the public and, combined with the influence of Venus, a passionate nature endowed with a strong sense of loyalty and fidelity. They are kind and generous with friends, with whom they develop an unspoken rapport. If they love, they are generous to the last degree, and will consider no sacrifice too great for the person they care for; if they are enemies, they will fight with the most determined obstinacy. But they always fight in the open, for they hate trickiness, double-dealing, or deceit. They are easily influenced by their surroundings, and become morbid and morose when trying to live under uncongenial conditions. They are also too easily misled by their emotions, sensations, or affections. As a rule both sexes are jealous in their disposition, and their jealousy often drives them into acts of violence or sudden exhibition of temper, which they bitterly regret when the storm is over. They are at their best are typically strong and silent, but often appear ignorant and willfully obstinate to others. They have an innate sense of harmony, rhythm and color, and often are very successful in music, poetry and art. Those born in this sign have an ability to become the most faithful, loyal friends. They also make good, patient nurses and healers, and almost all have a keen love of gardening and flowers.

AqUaRiUs~ Jan 20 - Feb 19

Ha.. got colour liaoz..

THE Zodiacal Sign of Aquarius commences on January 21st, but for seven days, being overlapped by the "cusp" of the previous sign, it does not come into full power until on or about January 28th. From this date onward it can not take its full strength until February 19th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Pisces. Those born people who were born in such "cusp" usually take from the qualities of both signs. These natures generally tend to feel very lonely in life. They are over-sensitive, and easily wounded in their feelings. AQUARIANS have great desire for material gain, but are not greedy. They are tireless workers and are willing to work for what they want, and do not demand more than their fair share. They read character instinctively, and for this reason they "see through" people too easily to be really happy. People who were born in February are not demonstrative in affection, but feel very deeply. They are usually high-strung, and their nerves are generally overwrought. This people often lose control and then say or do things that they bitterly regret later. They are generally very active for the public good, and often give all they have to relieve the distress of others. They are good thinkers, and are very successful when it comes to debate and argument, and difficult to convince. They are excellent in business and finance when they apply their minds to such things, but usually they are more successful for others, and make more money for other people than for themselves. Such people are a seekers of knowledge, rational, open-minded, gifted with breadth of vision. If people born in this sign manage overcame their sensitiveness and developed their will-power, there is no position they would not be able to attain. They are usually successful in some large sphere of action, where they can feel their responsibilities for others. As an idealist AQUARIANS would like to see that everybody is happy and their ambition is to do something important and meaningful. They take a great interest in public meetings, gatherings of people, and public ceremonies. In spite of the fact that such people love theatres and concerts, and like to be where crowds of people congregate, they often feel lonely. If born with money, these people rarely show who they are. They are inclined to let their opportunities slip, or realize them only when it is too late. If, however, people born in this period belong to the lower order of humanity they inclined to lose all sense of honor and principle, and are extremely unreliable, tricky in money matters, dishonest, and unscrupulous in gaining what they desire. As a lovers these people are full of surprises. They simply cannot be happy or fulfilled unless they are free to do as they like. No matter how deeply in love these people may be, they are never willing to sacrifice their autonomy, but they always put honesty ahead of romance. In general, it is not true that all people who were born in this time are evil people. In fact, those with the Sun in Aquarius are sometimes «one set against many» against great odds or against an institution; for light are at enmity with darkness in the same way that lions are at enmity with hyenas.

Some others~ Scorpions & Capris

Slowly ah... can't post much here yet doh...

I'm in the office~ scared ah...

Post bit by bit everyday I'll try..

No colour ah.. Pai say---> (yesterday no, but today added colours 2 these horos!)

Oct 23 - Nov 22
THE Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio commences on October 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about October 28th. Prom this date onwards it is in full strength until November "20th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign - Sagittarius. Symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion, a ground-dwelling killer with a poisonous sting in its tail and the eagle, a far-seeing predator soaring above petty problems into the spiritual sky. People born in this section of the year seem to be filled with inherent contradiction. The best and the worst seem to make this period their chosen battlefield. Up to nearly twenty years of age they are usually extremely pore-minded, virtuous, and religious, but once their nature is roused they are often found to swing in the opposite direction. At the same time the greatest saints have been found in this period. People who were born in this section of the year have great magnetic power, and as speakers appeal to the emotions and sentiments of their public more than to logic, but they sway their audiences as they choose. They are the searchers of the zodiac and have an insatiable desire for knowledge on every level. From spiritual and intellectual revelations, these people want the edge on everybody else. In dangerous situations and in sudden crises they remain cool and very determined. Many of the very best surgeons have been found in this period. Representatives of this sign often become workaholics. They drive themselves hard, and usually drive others unmercifully. They despise weakness in themselves or in others. Their worst fault is that they are too adaptable to the people with whom they come in contact. They always lead double lives one for the eyes of the world and another for themselves. In business and politics they have clever ideas, but they are best as advisers of others. One of their main problems is that they have a habit to "put off things until tomorrow. Such people usually excel in settling other people's quarrels and bringing enemies together to shake hands. They have incredible personal magnetism, so no other class of people makes more friends or have more enemies than those born in this period, but their strong personality carries them through like a resistless wave. The sex quality plays a vital part in their lives. The women attract men and the men attract women; but in cases where the will and ambition are dominant these people can control their strong sex-natures. Relationships are a kind of mystery for them so anyone involved with them must prepare for profound changes in themselves, their mysterious partner and the relationship itself. Usually these people are interested in marriage and long-term commitment. To an avarage Scorpio, love is an intensely passionate and enduring emotion that may be directed at one person only. People in this Sign should, above all, be encouraged to have ambition, for it is the one thing that will save them; for it they mil make any sacrifice or deny themselves any pleasure, and so accomplish more work than any other class. In general they need to dominate relationships and rarely display their true feelings even at the most open and communicative moments. Although this people may not intentionally set out to be mysterious, they manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They hate being crossed or manipulated, and can react to such treatment with sarcasm and vengefulness. In their home life the men are inclined to be dogmatic, and expect to rule; but their influence over women is so great that they are almost always forgiven. Sooner or later, they generally become interested in occult matters, they readily develop unusual clairvoyant powers, and quite often gain fame and distinction as writers, painters or poets. They are natural philosophers, deep students of Nature, and observe and analyze other persons' characters better than any other class. Usually persons born in this sign have, or make, two sources of income. They often have to go through a great deal of trouble, difficulty and sooner or later success and fame nearly always find them.

The next one is...... Dec 21 - Jan 20

THE Zodiacal Sign of Capricorn commences on December 21st, but for seven days, being overlapped by the influence of the previous sign, so it can not take its full power until on or about December 28th. From this out it is in full strength until January 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Aquarius. People who were born between January 20th and the 27th partake of the characteristics of both Capricorn and Aquarius, and the same rule applies to all persons born within the "cusp" of any signs. These people are usually ambitious and the lives of those born under this sign are marked by a purposeful pursuit of their destiny. CAPRICORNS have a sense of purpose and a great faith in their own ability. People born in January are usually mentally strong, but they are, as a rule, generally aren’t understood by other people. They are thinkers, reasoners, and usually successful in business or any form of government work. Capricorn is a pushy Cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of adversity. They are as a rule very independent and high-minded in all what they do, and detest being under the restraint of others. Capricorns will grind anything that gets in their way down to dust. Time is definitely on their side. It gets easier for them as they older. When they age, they cheer up too. They must be leaders in whatever they are engaged, or else they are inclined to lose their interest in what they do. These poeople, as a rule, are serious individuals, beneath their reserve there is a sensitive and sympathetic person and anyone who needs a strong shoulder to lean on needn't look further than the CAPRICORN. One of their more striking characteristics is their subtle sense of humor. Such people have non-typical ideas of love, duty, and social position, and that is why they are often considered to be "odd," and do not fit in easily with their neighbors or colleagues. Their basic concern is for security and to understand the feelings and needs of other people. CAPRICORNS have a great sense of pride and will not forgive anyone who belittles or slights them They are often excellent speakers, but not because they are good orators, but because they plain their speech. Although they may seem to be cold, they have warm hearts towards suffering, and as a rule they give away very much, but subscribe more generously when giving to institutions than when giving to a person. Fear is at the root of all Capricorn troubles. It si necessary for them to chip away at those fears. They must try to be gentle with themselves, but do the work. They worship intellectual, clever people; they rarely interfere with the affairs of others, but they will never stand interference from others. They should aim for some form of public life. Generally these people succeed in such careers. Government or responsible positions of control and management of others is the best work for them. This people are inclined to excite bitter opposition but bear up against it with a philosophic spirit. Their home and family life is very often a troubled one. They frequently feel "lonely-hearted" and misunderstood, even if it is not so. On the other hand they respond well to domestic life because it proves stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical CAPRICORN is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness. If we take in the full picture, we will see that it is a mixed bag of both greatness and evil. This can take many forms. It can show one who suffers at the hand of evil and who is cast out in disgrace, or it can show one who has sacrificed their own soul to gain the world, or some variation in between. There is often a fondness for the earth and agriculture present in these natives.

*My Horoscope~* Those born May 21 - Jun 21

Haha.. for your info la... check out yours to see if it's accurate!

To be continued.. find it quite accurate in some sense so decided to post here for ALL~

Sources from.. http://www.gotohoroscope.com/meaning.html

THE Zodiacal Sign of Gemini - The Twins commences on May 21st, but for seven days it does, not come into its full power until on or about May 28th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until June 20th, and is then for seven days, gradually losing strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign -Cancer. The people who were born in this period are widely known for their dual personalities and ability to change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if they can be rather fickle if bored or unhappy. The twin sides of their nature are perpetually pulling in opposite directions. Their brains are subtle and brilliant but they usually "lack continuity of purpose". Of all people they are the most difficult to understand; in temperament they are hot and cold almost at the same moment. They love with one side of their nature and they are often critical or dislike with the other people. Their sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make them a good raconteur, although they have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with their relationships. Such people are usually excellent in diplomacy, and dazzle their listeners by, their wit and brilliancy, but they usually leave them no wiser than they were at the start. It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. At heart they are ambitious for social position; but when obtained they have already tired of it, and are ready to go in for something else or for something totally opposite. Being natural communicators these people do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They will no doubt spending ages chatting to anyone about every subject under the sun, just to keep feeding their ever active and inquisitive mind. If taken as they are, in their own moods, they are the most delightful people imaginable, but one must not attempt to hold them or to expect them to be constant to their ideas or plans. They believe they are truthful, constant, faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but every moment to them has a separate existence. These people have an ability to see quickly the weak points in those they meet, and can reduce all to nothing by wit, sarcasm, or mimicry. Almost all of them are great talkers and usually very much in demand socially because they are so entertaining. Gemini is the life of the party. They often succeed the best, as far as money is concerned, but their more suitable career is generally that which requires diplomacy, tact, and finesse. The representatives of lower types are unscrupulous in finance and untruthful. They often make successful gamblers and company promoters of "get-rich-quick" schemes. Either type make hosts of friends and are kind-hearted and generous to the person who fills their thoughts at the moment, but "out of sight, out of mind" explains their fits of "forgetfulness" as nothing else can. In all matters of affection they are human puzzles. They can love passionately and yet be inconstant at the same moment, and it is only their shield of diplomacy and exquisite tact that keeps them from often making a mess of their lives.

Friday, March 17, 2006

No subject

What's on my mind at this moment? Hmm.. that's a good question. Nothing much doh..

Hope to put up some personality tests or horoscope stuff here leh.. just like my old blog hehe.. but don't think I can remember my username & pswd for that old blog. Hmm.. if not thought of doing some copy & paste.. I try it later doh..

Haa.. recently been hearing one of my colleagues saying Life is boring.. Hmm... or maybe she just meant the task she's doing is? But she keep saying 'Sian' ah... and from her facial expression it does somehow show. Haha.. then hearing that I also felt abit sianz.. coz it's not only once. Maybe at times, Life is really at a stagnant stage ba.. Eh.. stagnant correct spelling not ah? I guess so. So.. maybe that's why we will feel sian sometimes! But having a sian life is not good doh.. LIFE IS ACTUALLY INTERESTING! And.. it's meaningful (Full of meanings) too~ Haa.. so Njoy it!

Hmm.. actually sometimes I'll wonder if this colleague of mine feel 'empty' inside.. or felt like something 's missing in her life? Coz from what she accidentally said (in a slip of tongue), makes me feel that this might be the reason of her mindset now. Hmm.. she doesn't believe that relationship lasts.. that's what she told us.. Maybe that's why the rest of my colleagues might find thing s that she said at times are wierd ba.. me too actually at times. As some might think that if a person is still single at a certain age, he/she might have different thinking as the rest who are married. How true is it? Dunno... but on the whole, she's a nice person I can sincerely say. Though a little fussy at times.. Haa.. she said that herself too. Think she just likes to say only..

Really hope that she can find her prince charming soon! Hmm.. She does have a little more expectations for her Prince Charming. But.. guess it'll be worth the wait when she found that man for her. Hee... all the BEST k!

Haha.. it's been a year & nearly 3 months since I started work in my recent company huh.. but didn't really mentioned much about the colleagues and things there I guess.. Hehe besides my that MANAGER ba! Hahaha.. think U guys might have heard about her already.

She mah.. ok loe... actually nothing much to say about her also. She's a OK person la.. just that maybe, I dunno izit the Company or herself being too inflexible. In what sense? Haa... the usual thing I 'complain' about--> Can't surf net even we are now using BROADBAND leh~ Previously they are still using dial up so ok la but now is broadband wor.. why can't surf net manz.. wasted leh I've always said haha. Scared that I'll just busy surfing net and not doing my task izit.. me asking the obvious--> of cos la.. Anyway nvm la.. at times I still secretly used keke.. Bad bad.. but think I kana caught 2 times liaoz.. bleah~ scared doh..

Got a very caring colleague too.. she's a mother of a 16 yr-old boy le. But she looks young for her age loe.. and her dressing is very up to date I can say.. for a mother. When I first came, really think that she's quite young leh.

Most of my colleagues there are married. At level 2, got my Boss, Director, Young Boss, Old Boss and 3 Sales staff now.. Why I say now, it's because not long ago a sales staff just left. Why leave, reason uncertain doh.. but heard from some that he's poached over. He's been with the company for about 10 years, surely he felt abit sad to leave.. And there's a farewell lunch for him. 10 years manz.. wow.. that's long! Just not long ago, we knew that our Old Boss got " Lao Ren Chi Dai Zheng ". Hmm.. b4 this, he talks alot in the office.. and his voice was loud like thunder.. U can even hear it from far that it's him. He likes to chit-chat with our sales staff and the rest at Level 2, especially the sales staff that left. And, it's only Man's talk. Hehe.. we discovered that he don't speak to girls or women here---> Don't like? Haha dunno.. but whenever we go down to hand some documents, he will stare at us sometimes. At first I thought is it he don't like me or what? coz I just started work not long that time. Haha then my colleagues said that he's like that and in the past a girl greeted him but with no response.. Lolz! Only on the wedding day of his eldest grandson (our Young Boss) and when he's chatting with the uncles at level 2 that U'll see his smiles. Keke...

My Boss: He treat all nice I can say.. He especially likes to give treats! Hehe.. treat us to lunch. And the lunch will sure be a very 'FULFILLING' one! Haha.. nice doh! Hee.. save $ leh.. but sometimes think my colleagues and those uncles are quite scared of him already. Haa.. his eating habits and huge appetite!! Cos.. they are not as big eater as my Boss. Especially the ladies at my level 3, they are super small eaters, maybe unlike me hehe! I'm a frequent eater la!! He's generous in his treats. But at times, I do make some mistakes in work and the tasks assigned, so really felt quite guilty lo..

Director mah... really really seldom see him smile when I first came. Like black faced. Haa.. but ok la.. been seeing him smile more often recently. That's nice of coz! Happy is good. He always will intercom us upstairs:" (Whoever), Please come down." Haha that's all, fullstop. Think he looks stern at first, but now ok la.. better. Aha.. remembered him asking me, cos I seldom wear skirts ah.. and he say I'm like his niece, don't like to wear skirts type. Haha.. cos I find skirts abit troublesome ah..

Wow! it's a pretty long entry manz! Okie liao.. dun wan type liao.. Lazy. Fullstop. Byeee...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Soo...oo cute!

Hee.. just back not long from feeding the 2 rabbits near my house!

They are soo cute manz! Haa... bought carrots for them. The way they eat so cute haha.. munching hard on their food (carrots la).. you'll surely wanna feed them again! :D

Guess I'll buy some more carrots for them.. ;P

Watching that Chan U's "Zong Yi Da Ge Da" now.. hosted by the 3 funkies---> Zhang Fei (Fei Ge), Nie Yun and Huang Pin Yuan. Ok la.. nothing to watch now also.. just for pasting time still not bad haa.. still preferred my "Guess x 3"

The guest of the "Da Ge Da" was Fei Yu Qing~ Er.. not my idol though..

Watermelon time now~

Tomorrow's back to work again.. Although not to say but really abit sianz la.. no choice though.. Everybody just gotta go through the LIFE CYCLE. Haa.. but at least of cos with a job is better than nothing lo.. Muz appreciate that too :D

...... My comp ah.. again problem. What is it this time? Haha.. the colour of the screen changes to a wierd green.. bleah~ Nvm bout that anyway.. guess my comp is juz too OLD liao.. since my Poly days till now wor.. if I'm not wrong should be Poly Yr 2 Sem 2, after my SIP ah.. Wow... haha bout 4 yrs liao..

U guys out there, had a good Sunday?? Hee.. guessed should be ok also ba :)

Heard many was quite stressed recently also.. bout work, school and some others maybe personal matters?

Hope things are still well for ALL..

Me bro back home liao.. very tired I c him.. muz be the LAN games~ Haiyo.. wat's so nice bout those LAN games manz.. Dun get it.. still would prefer my "Gunbound"! Hehe.. but already stop playing long ago..

Now is "Maple Story" season haa.. Amelia & Pok are playing now..


Saturday, March 11, 2006

I+'s a Sunday again!

Just had a feeling that a week passed by so fast! Do you guys out there feel the same? Hmm... so fast that you didn't even realised at times.. But of cos' if you keep counting the days, you might find it abit slow.. like counting down the hours to knock off from work bla bla.. haa.. especially those "activities" that you wished it'll end soon I guessed.
Oh.. today's sunday.. haha me just woke up arnd 11:30am! Keke... not very long hours sleep la just about 8 hrs hehe.. but did had quite some sleep this weekend, cos saturday no work! So fast.. my weekend gone soon... bleah~

Just had my breakfast.. Yummy.. 2 half-boiled eggs n bread! Wow.. its been quite some time since I had this manz.. but not too much of this is still delicious haa.. but like not full leh~ still room for "improvement" ---> my stomach hehe (FYI: my papa going to buy Nasi Lemak now~) For who U might ask?? ......................................... ME! ;P

Be staying home today I think. Slack, watch tv... eat haha..

TV now showing "Shao Nian Huang Fei Hong" Chan 8.. my father like to watch this type of show.. me ok nia..

Oh ya! Hee.. really very surprised that Amelia, you read my blog!!! :D Cos like it's been sooooo long since I put up my last entry here!! Went to see.. it's from September 05' last entry n February 06' the next wor.. Hehe.. good good.. Happie happie

Eh.. nothing to write liao.. waiting for my Nasi Lemak! Hehe.. me famous for my frequent meals appetitie..

Okk... to All.. have a good sunday n Njoy! Although not purposely wanna mention this (cos alot of people, including myself, might not wanna be reminded of) ---> tmr is another new week (start work again)~


To All:
Smile Always! N.. Pok's 'kou tou chan' --> Dun Worry, Be Happy!!! Hehe.. and hope that the motivational quotes I put up in my previous++ entry helps to open your eyes to things!! :D


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Date: 07 March 2006, Time: 9:20pm

Oh manz! Missed the results for the Xiao Yuan SuperStar yesterday..

Wonder who was out of the competition.. Hmm..... hope it's not Adriano..


Nothing much to do again.. eating my sweet & juicy mandarin orange now~

Alamak.. how about my Insurance thing ah.. Dunno which plan to go for. Should I buy the Traditional Life Plan? or..... Investment Life Plan? Planning to get one.. guess for now I'll start with something lower cost (Traditional Plan) ba.. $$ not enough ah.. Haa..

Gotta give that Insurance guy-->Clemence an answer soon ba.. haha he already met up a few times with Laili & me liao.. the earlier we confirm, the better lo.. cos the later we sign up, the higher the premium will be...

Haha speak of that guy, he's quite good-looking. Hehe.. think that's part of the reason my friend's friends bought Insurance plans from him huh? Keke.. even we agreed that he looks pleasant to the eye.. we are considering too hehe *hint hint* I mean which plan to buy la..

Feel abit like going out leh.. cos at home nothing to do.. so bored leh..

Watching Channel 8 now.. Time: 9:05pm.. Show title: Xing Shan Shan.

Wanna eat Roti Prata!! Haa.. saliva drooling liao.. the curry.. Yummy~

Okkk......... shall stop here.

So boring ah............................


Monday, March 06, 2006

+Colourful Post+

Hehe... watching "Xiao Yuan SuperStar" now! :D

Hmm.. strong competition among the contestants..

Adriano! Yeah~ Haa.. like his singing alot.. he just sang Tao Ze's ..... and the judges' comments were: "Good, I can see that U really enjoy yourself in this performance, which not many can do it bla bla.. U did it!" Hmm... pretty good comments I think, had 30/40 for his overall performance. Heez.. Jia you!

Now.. another contestant (Renfred) singing. He looks alittle like Lee Hom (Wang Li Hong). Song: Kiss me 123 of Wilber, Pan Weibo.

Haha.. Njoying the show now anyway..

Going to have my dinner very soon! Hungry abit liao :{

Oh.... that Renfred kana said not in his form today..

Hmm... don't really like Li Fei Hui's new hairstyle.. Pony tail~

Renfred's got 22/40..

Hmm.. what else to so-called update here ah?? Any fresher ideas?

Oh ya... read Pok's blog just now.. hmm.. noticed usually she will put up some motivational quotes, cute pics haa.. like the ones for that Korean drama series ---> Full House. And... of cos at times, her feelings about things that are happening around her? Erh.. like abit nothing better to do ah.. here saying Pk's blog contents haha..

Wo! Another contestant got as high as 32/40 leh.. Whoo~ the last contestant, Huang Zhiyang. Higher than Adriano manz..

9:00pm liao.. Channel 8's starting a new drama series today , direct translation--> Stars shine shine... Aha..

Go eat my porridge dinner liao! Bye now~ :)

Haha.. the new show seems not bad. Got some funny shots at the beginning already.. tune in, if U have nothing to do now.

Think later about 11:30pm got results of that "Xiao Yuan SuperStar".


Sunday, March 05, 2006

You Have to Realize This~

Always count your Blessings, not your problems.
If you look at what you do not have in Life, you don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in Life, you have EVERYTHING.
There's a difference..


Things turn out the best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.

When faced with challenges that you are unable to solve, view it from a different perspective. If you think of the problem instead of a solution, you will be walking in circles; instead of worrying how tough the problem is, think about possible solutions.

You are not lose when you fail, you are ONLY lose if you quit!

Without pain, one cannot appreciate the meaning of Happiness. Pain keeps us alive and to take both this emotion and that of happiness for granted would be a mistake, one cannot have one without the other.

Describe the most serious problems as if they were the funniest things to happen.

What you are today is the sum total of every single experiences you've been through, both Good and Bad.

When problems arise..

First, learn to accept it. Then learn to face it. Then learn to let it go.

Life is like that, you can choose to be angry, go into denial mode or just move on to make a better life for yourself.

What thing doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Hmmm... One day if:

Just when you thought your day is bad, and it cant get any worse, think of this.
Life is full of ups and downs, during the up, remember the down. During the down, think of the up.
Life was never meant to be fair, but its like a piece of plasticine. It will be what you shape it to be.
Fingers may feel sore, but when it is completed, take a look at it, smile to yourself, this is ME! Because I am who I am, I shape my future, I shape my life. I am I, no compromise, no turning back, no regrets. No lost is too big, no reward is too small.

Accept it that not everything is fair, and it can help reduce the pain of your problem. And when the pain is reduced, the problem will go away. That's why having the right attitude is important.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A Nice Saturday AfterNo0N I guessed...?

Haa... wats with my title..? Dunno.. just think things are nice! My tots at the moment.

Nothing much to do today I think.. went home straight after work... eating my lunch nw, Chicken Rice hehe... Yummy yummy oh.. especially with the braised sauce! Super nice! Maybe I'm too hungry oso la.. Keke..

Do wat later neh? Oh... be meeting our Insurance agent (Clemence) later tonite (7.30pm @ Cityhall), think to discuss further bout the plans we are going to "invest" in. But b4 tat, meeting Agnes, our Ex Popular A.M... going orchard there.. guess will be sitting down somewhere to chit-chat ba.. tot of watching movie at first, but think will be abit rush lo.. maybe just have some catching up session haa..

Hmm.. saying of movie.. I wanna watch "Big Momma's 2" leh.. yesterday just went to watch "Underworld- (Evolution)" with Wenxue, T.J. and Royston. Ok la.. the show was quite a nice one! Alot of action scenes, the sound impact.. vampires and those gross scenes haha... Nice show! But actually wanna watch 49 days tat ghostly show one.. but the guys dun wan...! Bleah~ 3 against 1 leh.. hw to win haha.. but at least ok la, not waste money on those bo liao show lo.. can go watch la this show. Still wan watch my "Big Momma" leh.. doh I didn't watch it's first show, but it seems not bad.. should be a nice comedy show la..

Still eating my chicken rice now.. haha wanna say me eat so slow rite? But anyway going to bathe soon then go change and go out liao.. not sure meet tat agent till wat time.. actually quite tired now.... sleepy abit la.. hope tat agent won't be taking too much time. But of cos, we have to clear our doubts first b4 deciding which plan to buy.. tats money leh.. impt impt!

Ok la.. dunno wat else to write liao.. mind can't think of much. Go concentrate eating my rice n watch TV! Now channel U got tat "少年特攻DUI" ERM>>> GUESSED THERE"S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY NJ STAR MANZ>>> SHALL STOP HERE LIAO