*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Lions~ Leo, Aries & Virgo

Read on!

Jul 22 - Aug 23
THE Zodiacal Sign of Leo commences on July 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about July 28th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until August 20th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Virgo. The Fire sign in these people is enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic. Represntatives of signs are happy, lucky people. Fixed people are stable. They don't like much change. Status quo suits them fine. They will stick to things and get them done. People born in this period always aim to get above the common herd of humanity, and they themselves in turn are naturally attracted to strong personalities – in fact, they will forgive any fault in the people they like so long as they have individuality and purpose. They are usually generous, kind, and openhearted, they find it hard to believe ill of others. If injured, they strike back quickly, but they also forgive easily and never hold a grudge. The bright side of Leo is very bright indeed, "sunny side up" they are very much attuned to the life giving properties of our Sun itself. The typical Leo is flamboyant and generous with tremendous charm and a magnanimous spirit. The Sun is the single most important planet, because it represents a LEO's ego and individuality. It shows their ambitions and deepest character traits, where they have the ability to shine. Such people represent what might be termed the heartforce of humanity. They are overflowing with sympathy, and are generally generous to a fault. They are usually lucky in money matters, often having money given to them from unthought-of sources; but they crave love above all, and this is the one thing they seldom get. Such people have the power to inspire others, and as leaders like Napoleon, born in this Sign. They have an ability to lead their men through fire or death. People who were born in this period usually have an extremely independent spirit; they detest control or being dictated to. They have great tenacity of purpose and will power and if once they put their mind on some plan, purpose or position, they usually reach their goal in spite of every difficulty or obstacle. Though full of ambition and enthusiasm, Leo has to admit to a lazy streak and, given the opportunity, will take the easy way out, especially when a situation offers little fun or glory. This is something lazy, luxurious Leo needs to watch. These people are usually very patient and long-suffering, but if once roused, they know no fear and do not even know when they meet defeat, or acknowledge it when they do. As a rule, people born in this period feel isolated and lonely in life, and if not actively employed in some work or purpose they become melancholy and despondent.

Mar 20 - Apr 20
THE Zodiacal Sign of Aries commences on March 21st, but for next seven days, it does not come into its full power. It starts loosing the power form May 14th. For seven days it is gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign -Taurus. People who were born in this section of the year have unusually strong will power and great obstinacy of purpose. They are usually born to be fighters in every sense of the world: they have also the greatest ability as organizers on a large scale. They find themselves as the organizers of big schemes or as the heads of big businesses, and also in the organization and development of countries. They seem naturally to resent all criticism, and the only way to offset this in them is by quiet logic, reason, and proof. These people are usually independent in everything they do. It is really important for them to do everything in their own way, and if they are intervene with other people they generally loose the shapes of the main purpose, step back and let the other person take their place. As a rule they are unhappy in their domestic life. It is very difficult for such people to meet a member of the opposite sex who would understand them, and if opposition does not upset them from this point it usually does through their children. Yet these people, be they men or women, deeply, fervently and strongly desire for affection and sympathy, more than anything else, and this is generally the rock on which they are finally wrecked if they have not the good fortune to meet their right affinities. As far as material success or power is concerned, there are no heights to which persons born in this sign wouldn’t be able to. Success, however, is not making them feel really happy and satisfied. They are inclined to lack caution, being by nature impulsive and quick in thought and action. They are and inclined to mike enemies very easily. They are enormously ambitious, as a rule they succeed in life and gain money and position. The lower type of this sign will stick at nothing to accomplish their purpose. The higher type are good masters, but at the same time severe in discipline and more or less unbending in everything they expect from other people. All representatives of this sign have a distinct desire to peer into the future, perhaps because they are impatient for things to develop. They are inclined to prophesy what will take place, and are often succeed in that. As a general rule, the men born in this part of the year suffer a great deal through their affections; they seldom understand women, and make lots of serious mistakes in their relations with them. For both sexes, they are happy only at moments when they are absolutely absorbed with their work and manage to overcome of obstacles. All people and especially those who were born in this sign seldom get through life without receiving cuts, wounds, or blows to the head, either from accidents or violence.

Aug 23 - Sept 22
THE Zodiacal Sign of Virgo commences on August 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about August 29th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until September 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign - Libra. The emblem of Virgo, a virgin holding sheaves of wheat in her hands symbolizes wisdom, garnered in the fields of experience. Like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy and, like a virgin tend to wait to give herself to the perfect lover, Virgo is also idealistic. With a Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick thinking and observant. They define pure modesty; they can't bear to be taken care of, they prefer to take care of others. People who were born in this period are as a rule generally successful in life. They have keen, good intellects, are very discriminating about those with whom they associate, and in all business matters they have good judgment, and are not easily imposed upon or deceived. They are usually materialistic in their views of life, and analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards. These people are and attracted to only that knowledge that can be applied usefully. They will happily share this information with anyone, if it confirms their own usefulness in the world, and brings them eagerly out of there shells. These people can become good literary critics, being quick to see the weak points. They are extremely fond of harmony in their surroundings, have excellent taste about their house and dress, and always want things in good taste, and elegant. Virgos are usually fastidious about their personal appearance, have a great respect for rank and position, and are great supporters of the law and the law's decisions. They usually develop this skill to improve themselves and their surroundings as they place great pride in tangible achievements. These people may spend part of their lives heading off on detours and then suddenly emerge as someone with a remarkable sense of direction. They can adjust easily to change once they find a way of fitting the new situation into their routine. They are inclined to become wrapped up in themselves and their own ideas, and often become selfish in the close pursuit of their aims. These people are more capable of going to extremes in good and evil than any other type. If they develop a love for money they will stick at nothing to acquire it, and this type is often considered cunning and crafty at the expense of others. In love they are the most difficult to understand, the very best and the very worst of men and women being born in this part of the year. To people born under this sign love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental. Love for them is devotion and will include love of family, friends, and those less fortunate than he or she. There is no pretense involved in how they act or what they say. Marriage is a major commitment; they value their union as both a love relationship and a working partnership. A warm relationship brings out the best in anyone born under this sign because basically they are kind, devoted and very loyal. Disappointment, however, can harden them into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgos consequently become quite critical with themselves as well as with circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature.


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