*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

*~HaNd iN hAnD~*

Heehee.. got tis pair of "hands" from Twinz concert in Genting! Cute rite..?! Haa.. Gigantic hands~! =D

Heard of the bad news regarding one of the Twinz.. Gillian aka Ah Kiu.. bo liao pple those peeping toms.. dun understand hw come nwadays pple like to "capture" all those funnie stuff sia.. the cons of camera n cam phones~

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SuPeRs+Ar 风潮 arh..??

Haha my friend's joining the new season Superstar!! She called yester while im wrking manz.. aha tink i sound more excited than she was! cos she's nervous too.. n kept asking me will she be the lousiest among the rest of the contestants.. Keke... of cos nt manz! Sure b tare to support U~! =D But hope wat she said, oreadi signed up for me too, is NOT true sia.. *gt a feeling she did* haa..

Hmm.. tinking back, she was surprised by her own actions (taking part) too.. haa.. tats wat she told me last nite while on phone =P Manz.. i was super surprised oso! LoLz..

Anyway in office nw.. cant tok much ah..~


Monday, August 28, 2006

PiC+uRes sTiLL~

Haha... tink im super addicted to posting photos up here!! Anyway juz see la.. no harm rite..? Keke... =P

Some pix Bro & Mee laid our itchy hands on! Haa....

"Bluey specs... for me?!"
Haha... Bro say he changed the Chick Little specs colour.. so tinking of posting here lo..

In cold sweat~

Nice nt... Hehe...
*Limited Edition*

LoOk wHo's hErE! =P

The 2 cheekies...~

Okie... time for BED~! Go0D Nitey............ Orh Orh le.. i+'s Mon again tmr.......

Agnes B'day coming~

Yeah.. celebrated Agnes B'day today.. w Pok, JX n YY too! Hee.. went to Grand Court, a vegetarian restaurant @ Orchard for our dinner.. Hmm... the food tare.. okie la tink so-so only.. prefer the one @ Victoria Street.. tat Kopitiam one nicer.. Haa.. am i too picky..?? But im sure we njoyed the food & company! Keke...

Early celebration for Agnes! =)

* Pix kapoh from YY's bloggy~ *

Hmm... we ordered Gong Bao Chicken + Steamed Broccoli + Hot Plate Tofu.. eh, tink we've finished the mock duck liao.. keke.. followed by the creamy peanut (Hua Sheng Hu) as dessert~ =P

LoLz.. after dinner, Pok & Mee still gt room for another dessert! Aha.. we are "Da Wei Wangs"! big appetite sia.. but is nice.. TCC @ Centrepoint tare..

Chocolate Mousse~ forgot it's actual name liaoz...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hmm.. Who likes to take photo more..?

Haha... tink among all.. is my Poly gang ba.. all "Zi Lian Kuang"! OOps.. keke.. *kidding la*

Hmm.. seldom see pictures of my Sec Sch friends huh..? Aha.. soon soon... shall post here once i've gotten those! Heez.. taken during our trip =P they seldom take pix =(


R U looking @ us...

The gang came out to celebrate Juexian's 23rd B'day..

@ Esplanade.. bout to take on the River Taxi Ride!!

Tingz & Maggie Mee.. Tickets for 2 please..

No need to intro liao ba..

Err.. interesting ba..?

Time for our dinner! New York New York...

Amelia's.. sandwiches...

Quan & Pok..

Ice-cream~ our all-time fav...

Hmmm... all look so funnie leh..

Our satisfied B'day Boy~ Juexian

My 6th entry of the day.. i+'s bout FoOd~

Haha.. yesh it's pictures again!

Taken yester @ Cineleisure "Xin Wang" Hong Kong Cafe... the pic below.. tink there's another outlet outside Marina Sq.. really ought to give it a try! Im promoting haha.. can't u see..


French +oast... Yum yum~

Tink Yanyang ordered tis.. cheesy spagetti.. nice too! Look like those baked rice rite..?

Y so sianz..? N wats our Juexian looking @....

Yanyang.. tats him

see tat smug look? HL~

Guess tats all for today... sleepy liao.. Z.z.zz..z... GoOd NiTez~! =)

Hoho... My Oct Holiday!

LoLz.. tis is my dunno hw many entries for today liao.. HAHA! ... ... ..

my Company's trip was FINALLY confirmed! It's been subject to confirmation for a period of time manz.. nw really 100% confirmed liao.. =D

Be going to... Bangkok! Haa... anyway i've nt been on plane b4... so anywhere is fine w me haha as long as i get to travel..? Yeah.. dun wanna waste my passport keke... .. n finally able to give Amelia a more confirmed reply lo.. cos the plans been changing n changing.. till today, then settled at last! Going on 21 Oct (Deepavali) n back on 24th (Hari Raya Puasa).. tink my colleagues would love to shop tare keke.. Shopping queenies & kings??

Oh manz... be sharing room w my tat colleague who likes to so-called pin-point pple... haha sia... cos the rest of my colleagues dun wanna share w her...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

20 bucks each... cut + wash + blow

Heee... many photos uploaded..

Went for a haircut today w Amelia.. @ somewhere near TP.. Hmm... wat to say bout the new hair leh.. it's much shorter nw.. the style seems alittle different yet similar.. haha we were "grumbling" after tat.. keep saying it looks funnie on us n.. wierd.. LoLz... =P

More Photos!!

5 of Us.. taken @ Agnes Hse... "Thanks for the sumptous lunch~!" Hee.. Yummy~

Pok & Agnes~

Ok... nw the NSRCC Chalet's photos.. Haha our B'day greetings for Quan..

Ting's B'day greetings for Quan..

Ame's greetings..

From Mee...


Touched~ tink bout to cry... keke... tissue anyone?

Ame's turn...

Wat me doing sia.. LoLz..

Ting & Wo..

Pok & TingTing..

Poky & Wo...

100% Team Work! Yesh..

Alamak~ why my eyes oways closed when photo shooting..

Our Chalet environment..

Our cosy living rm..

Eh.. wats Liang so happy bout..? Haha.. fire gt started?

B'day Boy & Ger... August Babies =)

Cakey for them... =)

Alrite.. tink i've posted quite alot of pix today~ Sit back & Happy flashing thru them!

Changing job nw??

Hmm... had a sudden thot juz nw.. was tinking hw long will i b wrking in my present company.. haha... till nw, a yr n 8 mths liao.. so far still okay... actually din intend to leave soon. A yr + 8mths... nt very long nor too short ba.. im dealing w shipments almost everyday.. but currently the workload is little.. nw is the down period for shipping..

If you ask me, whether i had the thot of wanting to look for another job nw.. my ans i guess will be NO.. nt because tis job offers me a high salary or great opportunities or wat.. but i tink rite nw, my current concern shall be on having a stable job.. tats my priority nw! $$... n nt having to search high n low again for a new job.. going for interviews after interviews bla bla.. we've been thru all those hassle in 2004.. rite? ....tired leh.. nt lazy but mayb juz too comfortable in wat u are nw, to wanna take another risk so call.. nt a risk-taker in such cases.. Imagine wat if u gonna dangle a few mths tare w no income but expenses haha.. slacking at hm is nice yes.. but certainly nt on a long term basis lo.. somemore i tink the job situation outside is still nt tat positive.. but mayb as compared to the time when we juz guaduated.. which was 2003, wow long.. nw slightly better ba.. =) Anyway experience does count too when u r looking for a job.. and luck i believe haa..

Given the situation nw.. if i were to quit my current job, sure kana nag haha.. but of cos tats nt the reason why i chose to stay on.. mayb cos they are "pple of the olden days".. more simple n contented.. unlike nw.. some might b too ambitious, of cos having goals in life is impt too.. but sure tare are still simpler pple juz like my cousin =) She's a simple ger.. tink she wanna b a good wife hee.. family person =P

Needs Vs Wants.. there's a difference... =P

Hee Hee.. Time for some pHoTos!

Haha... my fav Chicken LittLe!! Nicely taken i hope~ bought it fr Sungei Wan (KL) on my recent trip..

"Ooh.. y was my specs pinky!"
Ta da! A change of image?? HAHa.. me Bro's creation.. Keke... which is better?

Hmm.. tink have quite a number of photos tat i wana upload.. Aha.. Oh ya! n those from my HP..

Petaling Street... the Chinatown in KL

We had steamboat @ Petaling St... our dinner~ all hungry n tired..

Our stop-over area... tink it's called Lucky Garden

KL Indoor Themepark!

This is exciting! Muz try at least once! Haha.. Superman~

First World~

Caterpillar Ride... Hehe Genting Themepark! This monorail links both Indoor + Outdoor Themepk..

Cute hor..~?

The monorail station we stopped.. heading to Petaling Street..

Okie la... going to wrk le... if nt i'll be late AGAIN! update more when im backy! Haa... those memories~.... ... ..