*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SuPeRs+Ar 风潮 arh..??

Haha my friend's joining the new season Superstar!! She called yester while im wrking manz.. aha tink i sound more excited than she was! cos she's nervous too.. n kept asking me will she be the lousiest among the rest of the contestants.. Keke... of cos nt manz! Sure b tare to support U~! =D But hope wat she said, oreadi signed up for me too, is NOT true sia.. *gt a feeling she did* haa..

Hmm.. tinking back, she was surprised by her own actions (taking part) too.. haa.. tats wat she told me last nite while on phone =P Manz.. i was super surprised oso! LoLz..

Anyway in office nw.. cant tok much ah..~



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