*Maggie Mee*
"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Chinese New Year in just two days' time...!! Hmm.. didn't managed to get any new clothings this year. Gotta go do some spring clean later.. haha having my dinner now, Mama cooked yummy asam fish.. hehe.. Ok, I really put on weight manz.
Hmm.. CNY.. as usual, first day will be going Ah-ma's house then to meet friends in the evening.
2nd day, with friends mainly..
3rd day.. more rest rest haha..
Okie.. Here's wishing all a happy holiday and lunar new year in adv! Enjoy~ =D
Happy New Year!!
Monday, January 19, 2009

Went to Shangri-La Hotel, "The Line" dining place on 160109 for Co's CNY dinner. The gather for CNY was early this year. =) Hmm.. food was varieties.. hee.. but dun think we can take pictures of those. Anyway majority of us are small eaters! Oh.. and a few of us dare not eat fresh oysters.. sort of wasted, cos the buffet was $70 per pax and Boss was telling us to help ourselves to more food haha.. but we were just too full liao.. Too bad no "Lou Hei".. Alright, as usual shall upload some photos taken among ourselves instead! =D
I put on weight even before CNY o0ps..
After dinner, some of our colleagues left early while the rest of us continued to chat. Ivan recommended a nice place to slack for drinks.. Timbre @ Old School.. an open concept kind of bar. Five of us, Francis Ow Yeong, Linda, Adrian, Ivan and me. Not bad.. the place is windy and there's live band performance too! Songs dedication.. =)
Best to make reservation. It was full house when we got there.
11A Mount Sophia (Orchard area) Tel: 63380800
Recession.. bad.. this year's increment is little.. My colleague said kns.. But at the same time, think we should be thankful that we still managed to hold on to this job, while many others are probably out of job currently. Also be glad that we still had some bonus this year and the monies in earlier than usual (CNY eve) hee. Ok.. shall not say too much. One should sometimes count their blessings! =)
2009, hope to be able to pass my driving.. a change of job scope, maybe to Sales just like my sales colleagues.. earn and save more money.. balanced diet and lifestyle.. exercise a little more.. travel.. and my beautiful dreams to come true..... keke..
Hmm.. Cafe bar is also one of them...
Well.. I always say but not much of action. Let's see if this year will be slightly different ok!
Still yet to really shop for my new year clothes and goodies this year.. haha at least will get a new top la. Why no time sia..
Monday, January 12, 2009
有时候,有些事情的真相真的会让你吃惊。因为真的在你预料之外, 或许也从没想过原来是那样。我也不知道要从何说起。就三天前吧。。。
我们公司的 stock taking period。。 8-10日。。
有一个非常自以为了不起的人! Stupid auditor! Hell... 只会用嘴讲, 不会做。头脑四方! Spoiler.. 我们货舱的人都不喜欢他。最可笑的是,小老板还让他 in charge 这次的 stock taking。在公司, 看起来还不错, 可是。。。
不过,有时人真的有些恐怖。。我不是怕这些人, 而是觉得他们真的很失败,那么虚伪。有时候都已经不知道可以相信谁,人心难测吧。。他会讲不会帮忙,没办法, 可是不要还自以为了不起 hor pls! Very pissed off esp on the 2nd and 3rd day.. 我们被分成几组, 个有不同的地方要找。找完后,就把货单交回给他。他一直说我的写法很乱,hello 看不懂可以问我,不要只会说乱! 还一直坚持自己的货单方式最好。。跟这种人一起工作sian! 为什么我们会说他的头脑四方。。货单对于电脑后,数量完全准确, 你还会无聊到再叫别人数多一次吗!
REALLY CANNOT TAHAN THIS KIND OF PEOPLE, GONG. Seems that I'm bad maybe, having said all that about him but really cannot make it. If you don't really know about certain things, shouldn't you at least be more humble? Yaya King! Not humble still nvm.. still want to take charge of everything in the warehouse. Who do you think you are, come on Finance Manager only, not warehouse supervisor lor. In fact, I think he don't even know how to read the location and some tyre patterns lor, cos he keep telling me to write down the location when I've long written. What the.. He's more naggy than a woman, likes to keep repeating people's mistake.. But anyway, I don't care, I just talk back if I have reason. There are more stories.. here's just a tiny part. It's really sad sometimes when you got to know the actual situation. A colleague of mine teared that day..
有些事情就是不服, 我们也知道不能多说。Sian.
Went for a hair cut with Amelia today, to our usual salon, "Reds". =) Hmm.. new short hairstyle.. we are still trying to get used to it. For mine, more like a teacher/student hairstyle ah.. looks funny. We were saying wanna go for the real bob hairstyle next time round, cos it's not obvious for this haa..