*Maggie Mee*
"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery."
-Ysebella Braye-
Am thinking....One's mind seems to become more complicated as they grow up.. especially mature adults! Come on, mature adults leh.. that's how my colleagues are. Sometimes really getting fed up.. Complicated to the sense that you don't understand and know what they are thinking. Simple things can also be made not simple.. aiyo.. Though my office is small, but still there are politics.. sian.. but guess politics happens everywhere when there are people.. It's very sian when you see this colleague talking behind another colleague's back, cos you never know they might have also said something about you to another. But anyway, i don't bother so long it doesn't affect me much. Some said those more direct are actually better than those who keep to themselves all the time.. True?You get to see their true self as time passes by.. for some not much changes while some, getting too much.. eg. even returning a bank book to our Director's desk, can also think too much and be so lazy. Really hor.. this type of people.. faint..

Went to Shamim's house yesterday and learn to cook this fish from her sis.. taste good though it's a simple dish. Just marinate with some salt, tumeric powder, chilli powder, cumin and fry it together with some curry leaves. It's sort of an Indian cuisine.. Her sis also cooked Nasi Lemak for our lunch. ^^
Shamim is going back to Thailand tonight.. anyway enjoyed the catch up! :)
Had dinner with Boss, Uncle Hock Beng, Serene & Uncle Adrian just now. Super full still.. haha what we had.. first to Old Airport Road for main meal fried kway teow, fried oyster with egg, satay and dessert. Followed by durians @ Four Seasons, somewhere in Joo Chiat. Haha they ordered 5 big ones manz.. it's real good stuff but couldn't finish so took some back. Boss also ordered for each of us two black pepper crabs to take home.. Think can skip breakfast tmr le.. haa.. super duper fuu..ll now~ the burp smells duriany keke.. Tmr morning will be just a hot milo kosong for me. :) But, really thks for the good food today! ^0^Oh ya there's a newly opened Thai restaurant nearby my workplace @ Katong that serves pretty good authentic Thai food.. reasonable price too, can try - "Tuk Tuk". That's our lunch together with Boss, Uncle Adrian, Victor, Betty and Serene yesterday.