*Maggie Mee*
"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery."
-Ysebella Braye-
Last Saturday was Co's roadshow @ Shaw Ctr for the upcoming event - Formula Drift Singapore. Actual event day.. Apr 27th, Sunday @ Changi Exhibition Ctr (same venue as the Air Show). It's an on-going event from 9-6pm. 27th is also Pok's b'day.. :) Hmm.. my first time participating in a roadshow.. fun! Haa.. :DThe Emcee was good.. keep helping us to promote our event and showing passers-by the polo tee's design and so on.. haha and also bought gummies for us keke.. we are still "small kids" after all.. and he's excited abt our sellings too..
The job of Emcee is not as easy as we seem.. they have to keep talking even if the public is not responding.. have to liven up the atmosphere somehow.. not easy but he did it well.. and guess our young boss will ask for him again if we were to have such events in the future. Hehz..The thing that caught my attention was....
this Ford GT.. Wow.. this car is real nice~Was told to be there abt 9.30am.. Linda came to pick me up.. we were earliest haha reached abt 9.. went for our Mac breakfast.. Linda had tea and hashbrown, me.. egg muffin set.. yummy.. been long since i last had mac breakfast.. Another colleague Ivan got there abt 10am. We started to clear and set up abit.. Hehe Linda & me got the chance to start up the engine of the Ford GT! :) That attracted alittle crowd over doh..Not much crowd in the morning till noon but as the time goes by.. more and more pple were attracted by the car and moved nearer to take pictures bla bla.. alot of ang moh tourists.. In all we managed to sell nearly 300 tix that day! The day before was not bad too.. 140 tix.. and Sunday they sold all the remaining.. think total abt 565 tix sold.. Hmm to me.. i find such roadshow "fresh".. cos we are always in the office.. this is something different from the routine work, though we had to be there from 10am-10pm. On and off they will start the engine to attract even more crowds haa.. as well as the good job of the Emcee of course. :)Many came to help that day.. besides the 3 of us, young boss, DJs and Emcee, Jason and gf, Ricky, Colin (one of the drifters) and Kwang Wei (young boss's bro).. wow alot haha.. and Hock Beng came down with his wife too..We had to wear the "Goodyear" buttoned top.. haha hot day..Started to pack up arnd 9+pm.. all were tired.. as usual Linda sent me home.. didn't get a chance to sit in the drifter's car still keke..On Sunday.. Mr Lim came abt noon time.. Me went down with Bi abt 5+.. see see and chit chat before we went for our dinner at Orchard Tower foodcourt. Not bad the fried hong kong noodles..Think the whole company will be involved on Apr 26 & 27.. had to go down to prepare and set up i think.. haha looking forward. :) Heard that some of our sales person will be ushers..? Anyway good price for the tix.. only $11 per entry if you get it now. Thru sistic website, 2 tix for a free event polo tee. Actual day will be $16. It's free standing. Alright mental block now.. can't think of what else to write liaoz.. shall pause here. Knocking off at 5pm tmr hee.. Ok take care guys.. wanna go slp soon.. panda eyes go away..
Happy Yuan Xiao Jie.. glutinous rice balls~ :)
and.. Lunar Valentine's Day to all..
Went Jing's house for cny visiting just now.. hehz.. Thursday is the last day of cny le.. they call it "Yuan Xiao" and also the Lunar Valentine's Day? Haha.. heard from Bi just now.. Reached Jing's house about 8.30pm.. had some snacks, chit chat and watched the chn 8 9pm drama "Yuan Zhi Hui" while waiting for Bi. Hmm.. it's been quite some time since i last went to Jing's house.. Sotong me.. forgot to bring oranges.. haha and Jing had to "lend" me..
After Bi arrived.. went to the coffeeshop near Jing's house where they had their dinner cum supper and continue chatting till abt 11.30 before we headed home.. that ended our day.. all very tired.. sleepy.. rest early ba.. Nitez! :)
Rather distracted at work nowadays.. plus forgetful.. this is bad.. have to perk up! To avoid unnecessary mistakes.. wakey wakey! :)For those interested in drifting.. www.formuladrift.com.sg
Just back from the Carlsberg dinner. Yanquan's father got the entrance tix so Pok and me went too haa.. Hmm.. the performers were singers from Taiwan, Hong Kong and also the Mingzhu sisters, Ah Nan & Mark Lee.. but we didn't stay till the end thus didn't get to watch Mark Lee's performance.. haha wonder will he say his famous line in the movie" Ah Long Pte Ltd".. "Ni Ji Huai, Wo Ji Suai lo".. keke.. Dinner food was ok.. fondue, bee hoon, fried rice, deep fried prawns, fried fish fillets, siew mai, glutinous rice balls in ginger soup, longtong and we took lotsa fruits haha.. Guess all were happy to watch the performance and gather there.. it's like quite a big event for those Carlsberg's dealers.. even the GM of Carlsberg came, from Denmark i think.. mostly hokkien songs for the older folks.. and a few chinese new year songs..Very full sia.. plus the main drinks they served was Jolly Shandy, Stout & Carlsberg beer! Too much gas.. haha.. Yanquan and Pok each had 2+ cans of Jolly Shandy le.. ^0^
The door gift..Met up for Lo Hei with Agnes, Yanyang, Pok, JX, Bi and Amelia yesterday.. @ Chinatown Ba Bao restaurant. We ordered the CNY dinner package for 5-7 person.. wow in all $240 wor.. that's exp.. and a few of us were not very satisfied with most of the dishes. After the dinner we hopped to Vivo for Haagen daaz! Then for the night scenery.. and to Clarke Quay for our supper @ Coffee Club haha.. like the recommendation by a staff there named "Sri" (Mr Friendly), Slipper Lobster Linguini.. yummy.. Pok and me shared.. We've been hopping from places to places just for food~ keke.. and then off home le.. CNY will be soon over.. this coming thurs.. maybe will go Lo Hei againz? If yes, this will be the fifth time i lo hei for this CNY haha.. but i like yu sheng so no prob keke.. and CNY is only once a yr.. :)Guess will be sleeping earlier tonight.. tmr's another new week! Need energy for work ho.. been out these few days.. ^^
Happy Lunar New Year!!! i'm alittle late i know.. Here's wishing all a good Rat year ahead! :)Whoo..! CNY had gone by a few days.. so fast.. alright shall have alittle update after some time.. Hehe.. Well i just came back from my co's reunion dinner for this lunar new year.. A chinese restaurant called "Lao Beijing", located @ Novena Sq. Hmm.. the food there was of course good. Yeah we had a very satisfying dinner. Linda sent Cindy and me back.. We were glad that there's more of such gathering now as compared to the past.. haha think either none or only during the Co's yearly trip which started 2 years ago. At least for now, we get to see one another occasionally. Hee.. :)Da Nian Chu Yi (1st day):Went to Ah ma's house.. As usual we are the first to arrive every year haa.. followed by my cousins + family and then Uncle Ah Yong + family.. then Gor Po's whole family. Had lunch cooked by uncle Ah Yong. Yummy braised duck and curry.. i love it! And the mixed veges.. had 2 servings haha.. Met up with Ame and JX after that at Tampines small Mac. Chit chat and had some drinks.. next to Haagen Daaz for ice-cream sharing! Mmm.. sinful ah.. haa.. Back to the Mac to look for Carol, from Sun Express, one of my Co's haulier. And it's going home time. :)Think during CNY season we sort of let loose alittle on goodies and yummies ah.. keke.. must have put on some weight manz.. been eating since eve of CNY.. and till today still.. Sat going Lo Hei with Agnes, Yanyang, Bi, Ame, Pok and JX.. Sun will be another eating day againz.. Aiyo.. although there's a saying "can eat is fortunate" (loosely translated).. but to slim down again is not easy wor.. haha.. my colleagues are controlling too..Da Nian Chu Er (2nd day):Hmmm... nothing much basically been at home till evening time. Met up with Pok at Tampines interchange and together to Ame's house for dinner and Lo Hei. Hee.. my favourite Yu Sheng! Esp the one made by Ame's mum.. I love to eat that.. alittle sour & sweet.. We stayed till about 10+pm. Home. A rather simple day.Da Nian Chu San (3rd day):Out to NTUC to get the ingredients for steamboat. Friends coming over the next day. Evening.. met up with Bi, Lijun and Weihao @ East Coast Jumbo for our CNY dinner. Ordered Yu Sheng, chilli crab with deep fried buns, butter crab, Seabass with black bean sauce and a vege dish. Wow.. full. Haa.. Too bad only 4 of us turned up. After the meal.. stroll to Mac to meet up with Alex and Boon Hwee. To Shi Nai HK cafe for drinks.. left at about 10+pm.. Bi and Lijun went to catch the "Ah Long Pte Ltd" @ Tampines.. haha.. think Boon and Alex too with their friends. I went straight home as i had to wakey early next morning.. haha to prepare the steamboat and stuff lo..Da Nian Chu Si (4th day):Wakey at 7am.. bathe and started to prepare the soup base for steamboat as well as other side dishes. Lai reached my house around 9.30am.. much earlier then i expected. I'm still preparing though.. About 10+am, Yati arrived. Prepared some Bee Hoon (cooked by my mum), sambal prawns and chicken rolls for Yati & Lai. Bi 12.30 while Jing about 1.45pm.. Steamboat started soon after that. All are small eaters haa.. Alright, Pok reached my house about 2.20pm followed by Ting and Quan. They had the steamboat too. Oh ya and all of them like the prawn wrapped with potato thingy i bought.. deep fried. After the main meal.. all had mango puddings.. Ame arrived about 4+pm. By 6.15.. all left.. Pok and me went to Bedok Princess to catch "Ah Long Pte Ltd".. haha in for a good laugh i would say. Esp Mark Lee's actions and the way he speaks.. Show ended at about 10pm.. and headed home, get ready to sleep EARLIER, next day working (today).Hmm.. actually all along i have heard that our office probs was worse in the past.. compared now is far better. Glad that some colleagues managed to tide over those tougher times.. they even cried.. and it's because of our Boss that they decided to stay on.. Esp for Linda, Cindy and maybe Helen.. Time flies and for some it's been more than a decade. Things are changing all the time.. and of course we hope that it changes for the better or at least stay the way it is as now if good.. Things are unpredictable though. A step at a time ba.. :)Hehe.. got 2 red packets from Linda and Hock Beng today! Keke.. Linda passed to me just now before i got off her red Hyundai haa.. while Hock Beng early in the morning haha.. Thanks..Yup.. that's about all! Short updates. Off.. sleepy and tired.. byeez.. :)