Going to be sisters for Lai's wedding coming Sat 12.12.09! Together with Bi and Amelia, too bad Ling could not find a suitable white dress, initially she's also one of the sisters.. Well she will still come up with MORE funny ideas to "challenge" the groom & his brothers haa! Oki looking forward though we are inexperienced sisters haha.. =D
*Maggie Mee*
"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Wondering what other plans are there after the wedding lunch... cos only fr 10 till 2.30pm - solemnization + lunch.
Singing with karaoke kakis again? Hopefully this time round, all frens can come together for a good gather and clear whatever misunderstanding they might have?! =)
Let's all look forward and move on with courage.
Bro's not at home, his enlistment day today.. Hmm but good thing is, he'll be back home this Fri-Sun! =)
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Bro is "officially" botak now! He went for the hair shave at outside salon haa.. and be entering the Civil Defence Force coming Tuesday. There's a physical training for 8 weeks.. after which will be the vocation i think. How time passes.. so fast! He's alr 20 yrs old! Bleah.. and this reminds me of my age keke.. Oki that's all just wanna post this! Night Night =)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Formula Drift 2009 - 4th & 5th July!
The drifting practices.. competition... was just awesome!!! Or maybe it was just me haha.. I like the noise of the engine.. the tire burning but not so much of the smell~~ Haa! Finally get to watch and at a superb view this year!
First day was practicing for the drivers.
We had to be at the CEC by 8am.
Meeting of the drivers and judges (Mr. Jarod, Tony & Andy) at about 9.30am - Conference Rm.
The day ended at around 5? could not remember..
My task was to be the recorder. Mr. Jarod also the emcee, Mr. Tony as judge for the line.style and Mr. Andy for the angle.style. I'm called Speed 2 for that two days.
2nd day.. one more practice session in the morning.
Competition started and ended at around 5.30 - Champion Tengku Djan from Malaysia.
Met up with YY and JX at the airport and headed home at 9pm. That ended our day. =)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
On my actual Birthday.. Jun 19..
Am so happy.. Had a great time! Making food in the kitchen and dinner @ "The Humble House" located at Esplanade. The food and esp the ambience.. Wow.. A day of much surprises~!! Thanks!!! =D
Do check out this pl..
Hehz.. look at the colourful photos~ yummy.. and the star-shaped sunny side-up! =P
Went Amelia's house in the morning around 11am.. started "war" in her kitchen haha.. First, we made pancakes, our so-called breakfast, which was more of brunch ha! Followed by.. our late lunch for 4+pm, Amelia's "Panda No Bento" for me, my happy face omelette wrapped fried rice for her - the fried rice promise finally, haha. Cute, the panda & bear in the forest!
No doubt a tiring day but fun and fulfilling. Night time, off to Mustafa with Amelia and her family. Think yesterday was only my 2nd time to Mustafa. Much varieties.. think you name it, they have it. We managed to get our stuff and supper at nearby prata shop. =D

Part One
Photos from Ting's cam..

My 26th B'day BBQ... Jun 13th, Sat.
The 2nd BBQ after my 21st. Gosh.. time really flies.. 26 already.. so old ha!
Had a great time with frens and colleagues, hope you guys enjoyed too! =)
Frens who came.. Bihan, Laili, Weihao, Eugene, Jonathan, Yanyang, Juexian, Wenquan, Alex, Boon Hwee, Linda, Chervina, Cham, Junye, Yong Liang, Qiuyan, Huizhen, Kok Peng, Ah Hai, Francis Ow, Cindy, Lydia, Rick.. and of cos Meiting, Amelia, Ling, Eng Hui and Poh Kim who's been helping me with the stuff and all for that day. Hope I didn't miss out anyone? Thanks lots for the wonderful celebration and help, guys! =D
Frens who came.. Bihan, Laili, Weihao, Eugene, Jonathan, Yanyang, Juexian, Wenquan, Alex, Boon Hwee, Linda, Chervina, Cham, Junye, Yong Liang, Qiuyan, Huizhen, Kok Peng, Ah Hai, Francis Ow, Cindy, Lydia, Rick.. and of cos Meiting, Amelia, Ling, Eng Hui and Poh Kim who's been helping me with the stuff and all for that day. Hope I didn't miss out anyone? Thanks lots for the wonderful celebration and help, guys! =D
We arrived at East Coast around 4 pm.
waited for the delivery from BBQ House and Wholesale.
Linda and her two kids got there around 5+pm.. they rented bikes and cycled over to the pit.. followed by Junye, thks for the yummy dessert tart cake!
waited for the delivery from BBQ House and Wholesale.
Linda and her two kids got there around 5+pm.. they rented bikes and cycled over to the pit.. followed by Junye, thks for the yummy dessert tart cake!
started bbq-ing at around 6pm? can't really remember..
Cake cutting around 9+pm.
and yes.. birthday bash too haha..
Stayed till about 2+am with Ling, PK and Amelia. Chat throughout the night... hehz..Cake cutting around 9+pm.
and yes.. birthday bash too haha..
Overnight at Ling's pl while PK at Ame's.
Wakey the next morning around 10+am.. unwrapped the remaining presents! Cousins ordered curry chicken and veggie pizzas to share.. Relaxed Sunday~! =D
Alright, some more photos coming up next! ;)
Saturday, June 06, 2009
While waiting for my hair to dry...
Okie my previous Saturday..
Done some volunteer work @ FCBC Marine Parade, the Church that Amelia goes to, for the Down Syndrome organization. Felt that we're really fortunate to have the chance to GIVE & SHARE. They're friendly & warm.. We did some handicrafts.. guiding them in making photo frames, after which they can choose to either paste stickers, straw flowers or paper butterflies on it.
Interacting with them.. looking at the happy faces..
Well, it's a meaningful experience for Amelia and myself. =)
Been viewing sg car mart webby nowadays! Amelia and myself, we hope to have a car soon manz! Haa.. but money.. planning to get either a Lancer or Vios. For Amelia, her fav. Subaru R1 still? Well, one of our goals for the near future. Jia you!
Alright, mental blockage.. Nothing much to pen for now.. time for bed.. 2+am le.. still gotta wakey for work tmr! Night! ;P
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Well.. I'm pretty much into "Boys Before Flowers" nowadays! The Korean version of Taiwan's "Meteor Garden" or Japan's "Hana Yori Dango". Very addictive drama series.. the F4, my fav. Gu Jun Pyo, PK's Ji Hoo sunbae and Ame's Yi Jung, Mafia successor Kim Joon and the mighty Guem Jan Di and her best friend Ga Eul.. There was one day where I slept at 3am! It was a wkday, working the next day still haha.. think I finished the series within 3 days or so.. ^^
Am having panda eyes again..
What's next to "chase"..?? Haa.
Alright haven't been updating for sometime.. shall do so soon. The meaningful wkends that had just passed.. =)
To be continued....
Monday, May 18, 2009
The photos say all..! Ha.. though it's just simple cycling and ice-cream day but we're definitely enjoying ourselves. ^^
Together with Helen, Linda and her two precious darlings on Sat @ East Coast Park. It's 1-for-1 hr charge of $5 per bike. Very worth it.. we cycled for two hrs haha.. initially thought that our legs and hands will experience muscle pull the next day but surprisingly OK! ^^ Hmm maybe just a little palm ache, haha old liao.
After we've finished with the two hrs.. went for a break and some drinks @ Mac. We ordered two extra-value meals and shared the fries. Each meal comes with a free Coca-Cola glass mug.. this wk's collection is pink. =)
Followed on chatting by the seaside.. while Chervina and Cham out to the beach, they've collected some seashells too. We stayed till about 7+ as Helen wanted to catch the Korean version of "Liu Xing Hua Yuan". Linda dropped Helen off at the marine parade bus-stop where she took bus 135 home. Well, the rest of us headed to Ice Cream Chef for our "dinner" haha.. no la we were not hungry then. Hmm think yesterday was my third time there.
That ended our day. A relaxing Saturday.. Enjoy the pix! =)