*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

18.08.06.. 20.08.06

Tis entry is SUPER LONG... if U are tired or stressed, please do not proceed...
*~My Genting + KL Trip~*

Hey Hey..! I'm back in Sing! Hee... went Genting then followed by KL.. only reached S'pore bout 4:30am tis morning.. sia... the Coach delayed 1/2 an hr.. supposed to "fetch" us at 10:30pm but.... but arrived 11+.. so sleepy liao manz.. we all like so fed up.. plus very hot.. But anyway back in town! Had to go to work today still... no choice.. gotta clear my shipment stuff also.. Haha one thing best is, my friends they nt working today~ Haa..

We left on Friday nite.. met up with Jingjia @ Bedok Mac.. haha n Bihan was late, so.. meet her at the interchange instead. When the 3 of us gathered, went straight to MRT control to find Lanying.. Oo... she's oreadi tare! Keke.. then head down to Lavender.. where we walk our way to Golden Mile Complex. Hmm.. tink bout 15-20 mins ba.. oh manz.. actually we are late but lucky tat our Coach din arrive on time aha.. =P Guess who i met..? Haha Ting Ting n Quan! Me super surprised manz.. cos their Coach is 11:30pm.. n mine is 10pm! So early manz they both.. Haa.. Okie! Off we went Genting.. while Ting n Quan walk arnd n wait for their friends to arrive i guessed..

Journey was long.. longer than usual it would take fr Sing to Genting.. bout 7 hrs wor.. the bus stopped over @ the S'pore Custom, then M'sia Custom, followed by the usual stop-over place for pple to shop arnd n get some bites (Lucky Garden?).. dun remember the name.. n in the mid journey also stop lo.. Z.zz...z.z..... only know tat we are super sleepy~ wake up get down the bus n stamp passport n back to bus... up n down haha.. we were all tired, especially when U are oreadi asleep n had to get up quickly again when the bus stops.. LoLz... Z..z.zzz... tis is hw im feeling nw too~ Keke..

Arrived @ Genting at bout 4am in the morning.. sooo cold manz! and wat more was... we can't check in yet~ cos.. NO ROOMS available... Oh manz.. n we juz walk arnd w our sleepy heads... to the Casino too! Hee... n know wat, we kana check passport everytime we enter the Casino... haha... we look so young meh..? *actually happy* Keke.. try our luck till bout 10 n decided to go for the Indoor n Outdoor Themeparks!! Yeah! Nice.... fun n.... scc...a..rr..y... haha y scary? The Pontianak Haunted Hse lo.. scary sia.. we went to walk the haunted hse.. those so-called "ghosts" inside will scare U with all those funny noises.. Haha.. Bihan was the brave one, she head front.. cos the rest were too afraid to walk in front so all sneak behind Bihan n me.. LoLz! Funny sia... we kept shouting our way thru aha.. lucky one of the ghostly staff followed behind us.. guessed he knew tat we were scared la.. tink he was laughing at us too.. =P Though scary, but it was FUN hehe...1st time ma! Haha we were all like charging out.. dare to go in w us the nxt time rnd? Hmm.. but tis ride was nt included in the package.. gotta buy an extra tix @ RM30 for both the Haunted Hse cum the "Believe it or not" tour.. okie la.. gotta experience them ma..

"Believe it or not"... it's sumthing like a museum.. with all those ornaments and history of the past.. showing us the abortion equipment used in the past, the statues of pregnancy n lots more things tat we might nt even have imagined! It's real fascinating! Lots of discoveries... shocked.

Went for a 4D show after tat... "Ali BaBa". Wow.. realised tat it's been pretty long since i last watch cartoon! Keke... but it was a nice show.. with all those special effects.. the best part was snakes "tickling" ur legs, U can really feel the impact lo.. haha yesh we were amazed.. but the duration like too short ah.. overall we njoyed it! =)

Oh ya! I bought a BIG Chicken Little character home!! Hee... like it sooo much! Cute.. for only $25! Aha.. cos Jingjia was a great bargainer.. Keke.. =P She also helped bargain the Mickey Mouse bag for me.. Hoho..

Oh.. talking bout the Casino.. lost $20 sia.. din had LUCK in gambling =(

Bout 1:30pm, we finally checked in to our Hotel room.. First World Hotel.. but we din managed to stay in Tower 2.. gt Tower 1 instead. It was abit squeezy for the 4 of us.. the sink was juz beside our beds and the toilet n bathroom was juz nxt to the sink! Haha... super small manz.. n abit ulu to say.. but ok la.. still cosy though.. =) There are 2 beds in the room.. Bi n me shared one, Jing n Ying shared another.. But sad, we din even have a full 8 hr sleep for the 2 days... super sleepy even during shopping keke.. after checking in, unpack our stuff n get ready for bed! Haa... slept for 3 hrs.. initially we set the alarm to ring at 3:30 but.... we lazed in bed till bout 4:30 then happy to get down haha.. din wan our Outdoor Themepark tix gone to waste! Had our rounds of playing b4 going for Twinz Concert!! Hee.. yesh Twinz.. luckily we made it in time! we were running like crazy aha.. Hmm.. on the whole i would give the concert.. 80% ba.. nt bad but nt as much of surprise performances as we expected lo.. i like the BIG HAND they provided.. for us to wave n cheer for Twinz! Brought it back to Sing.. hee...

Went to the Casino again after the concert.. to "used up" our tokens..
Wow..! Bihan was the big winner tat nite manz! RM600 leh.. tats alot lo.. but she sacrificed her sleep hr for tat haa.. came back w a big smile on her face i tink! Im sleeping deep like a log.. din notice tat she's back haha.. the usual me la i guess.. we slept arnd 4:30am while Bihan tink arnd 6 ah.. nxt day we went KL! The shopping city hee... like to shop in KL manz.. alot of stuff n shopping areas... went Sungei Wan, Lot 10, Berjaya Times Square to shop! Best! Though shopping was nt my forte. We din had sufficient time for Petaling Street (the Chinatown there).. tink Bi wanted very much to go tare... @ Sungei Wan, bought a T-shirt for my Bro, a piggy keychain w Ying, Mr P's hp stripe (bought 1 fr 1st World too), a Mickey Mouse bag n..... nt to forgt my giant Chicken Little!!! Hehe.. love it! Aha.. but heavy sia.. imagine carrying it all the way fr Sungei Wan -> Lot 10 -> Berjaya TS~ n.... to Pudu Raya.. the place we waited for our Coach back.

Though been shopping a few hrs non stop.. stil have RM300+ w me nw... @ home! Haa... mayb keep it for nxt KL trip! =P

Oh.. my entry is getting lengthy! Danger.. aha.. shall cut it short.. but dun tink i can.. cos there's juz too many things to talk about!

Oh ya haha.. we've been eating all day long in Genting! ... dunno izit cos of the weather or wat.. we tend to get hungry easily manz.. Haa.. eat n eat... went to a restaurant in Genting called Hot Pot for our lunch.. Erh.. dun really like the set rice tare.. i ordered stewed meat w rice set, a hakka dish.. haha din know the meat was those fatty type... while Jing n Ying ordered wined chicken n Bibi ordered "Gong Bao Ji Ding".. hers taste the best liao! Haa... dun tink they will go back tare again... mayb shld try their hot pot Tofu.. looks delicious! Yummy~

Hmm... kk can't tink of wat else to add le.. shall end my Genting + KL trip sum up! Keke...

Wondering whether m i going to Phuket Club Med or Shanghai for our Co's Oct trip... seems like the plan keeps changing sia.... Amelia is stil waiting for my trip details so she can book hers.. Ps manz..


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