*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Friday, August 18, 2006

My coming weekend~

Heez... eating my favourite watermelon nw.. very sweet =)

Hoohoo! Leaving for Genting tmr nite! 10:00pm coach @ Golden Mile.. Haa... going there for Twinz Concert..
Hmm.. though im nt tat into Twinz la.. but rarely friends can go together wor... hee.. happy tat we can FINALLY travel together! Yesh..~
Be back on the lovely island by Sun, eh... maybe i shld say Mon morning..? cos estimated 2 or 3am lo.. Keke.. tink i'll be panda the following day manz.. worse scenerio: im wrking tat day! Sia.. haha tats bad~ n the rest of my friends aren't ^_^!

We planned to go KL shopping b4 coming back aha.. so guess our Sun will be shopping n shopping the whole day! Hee... though i seldom craze for shopping.. but it's nice to pamper urself with stuff U like once in a while ya! Not a shopping queen myself, but tink the 3 gers are! OoPS.. Hehe =P

Our initial plan:
1st Day (Sat)..
Estimated will reach Genting bout 4am.. wondering are we able to check in to the First World Hotel straight after we arrived there, or have to spend the early morning outside till 10am? Hmmm.......~
After checking in successfully, unpack our stuff bla bla.. it's party time! ... maybe we going to the Themepark there or.... dunno nt sure yet though.. haa.. N... nite time is Concert! Twinz~
Heard tat might go for movie or sumthing after the concert if still early..

2nd Day (Sun)..
Travel to KL! Hee... shopping siao liao.. but of cos nt juz plain shopping la.. sure will settle down for some munching too ya? keke... then continue shop shop shop till we broke aha.. hope the $$ we changed can last throughout the trip! HAha! still remember nt having enuf $$ to buy those tidbits n stuff @ the stop-over tat time.. Terrible spenders manz..
Tis time rnd.. we changed $300 = RM600+ hope enuf.. then.......
when nite falls.. time to head home! S'pore wo hui lai le~ Hee.. im a person who will miss home..
Anyway, the latest coach time still unknown.. hope i can still catch some sleep b4 going to wrk.....

Hmm.. exchange rate @ Bugis was bout 2.33 tis time.. tink nt bad le ba? =)
... did went to Tampines Mall B1 tat money changer (Aishwarya... spelling dunno) to check, but it offerred us 2.31.. so in the end tong pang Bihan to change for Jingjia n me lo.. Haa.. tink the previous rate (KL trip with Poly gang, HZ n YQ) was better, bout 2.78 huh..? But anyway.. it's ok.. important thing is all MUZ njoy!

Initially, Bihan intended to stay till Mon.. cos she took 2 days leave.. but i can't take any more leave le.. really pai seh... did tell them to stay on while i make my way back first.. but due to safety purposes, all agreed to come back on the same day. Hee.. Thanks manz =) Hope i din spoil the high mood..

Alright.. stop here liao... wanna Z.z..z.z... le.. shall update more when BACK! Hav a good sleep everyone~ NitezZz n SweEt DrEams........... tmr's Fri le... wkend's approaching very sn!! Juz njoy everyday~



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