*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Thursday, August 17, 2006

OFFiCe pOLiTiCs...

Oo... it's another new day again~ Hmm.. oreadi Thurs le.. fast~
Wat m i doing nw........? ---> Blogging early in the morning! LoLz...

Going to wrk sn.. leaving the hse bout 8:10am usually.. Ehh, still feeling sleepy though........ need coffee coffee! Haa... at least can still keep me awake till evening..

Been feeling bored @ wrk nowadays... why sia.. tired of the job scope liao? Or wat... the pple? the environment...? HaHa... gd question.. guess a combo of ALL the above ba... really sianz n tired when the thinking of gonna go to wrk comes~ Guessed maybe i played too much liao.. so no mood to wrk..?

My office.... oni 12 staff in the WHOLE office... can still have PoLiTICs huh...?

But i really agreed with wat Pok had said in her blog, tat sumtimes you won't noe wat the other party is thinking.. hard to guess.. they can be nice n good to you, but tat also doesn't necessary meant tat they really get along well with you.. this is the thing tat you will feel super sianz, if you see it for urself (though nt bout me la)... hw weird n "deep" human hearts can be.... really tired of all those politics sia! Can't pple juz live life well for themselves n at the same time make others life good too?! N... nt creating all those UNNECESSARY "news" bout pple can! Humans r so...... dAmn COMPLICATED!!! But anyway.. wat to do, all of us noe tat there's sure to be politics arnd... be it in skool.. wrking society bla bla... sure have ba.. think it's juz a matter of hw serious the poilitics is..

In such, guess pple will tend to be more "wary" of them, especially the conversation you gonna strike up with them.. it can be a real headache, if you say the "wrong" thing.. so-called WRONG (things tat might offend them) in a way........ maybe you din meant tat but somehow pple take it the way they "see" it..

BUT OF COS, other then the politics tat's beezy going on @ my wrkplace.. they are nice pple la...


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