*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pinky died last week.. while molting.. sad of cos.. It came out of its shell to molt.. but wonder why.. Heard from Uncle Lam that hermits cannot leave its shell.. not even for a day as it will dehydrate easily and die. Think this is what happened. As for Reddy, i have brought it back to Uncle Lam.. can't bear to but think this is a better choice than to leave it alone in the plastic container.. crabbies can't stand loneliness, they might die too. Yes, i can buy another crabby to accompany Reddy if i want to.. but after some thought, think it's better to be under the care of Uncle Lam. I supposed Reddy already knew that Pinky is dying.. as it slept just beside Pinky for that 2 days.. Initially i was afraid to put them together while Pinky was molting.. cos as read from the web, some crabbies will disturb the crabby which is molting, as they are weakest during this process, thus causing harm to it. So bad huh.. but luckily Reddy did not, instead it "took care" of Pinky for me. :)

Glad to have them as pets.. though not for long, but good enough.. the way they climb the tree, they eat, they move about.. haha so cute and funny. At first they did looked like spiders to me.. so many legs.. even my colleagues thought so too haha. But they are so cute and shy keke.. Alright.. R.I.P. Pinky..

Really miss them...


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