Wanna go Jay Chou's concerto!! Tix selling so fast.. think only left with single seating..

Haven't been updating for quite some time.. having probs with my broadband connection for the past wk.. plus lazy haha.. alright i sure wanna catch the concert~ :)
Tix exp leh.. $198, $168, $138, $108, $78 & $28. But it's gonna be worth it. Watched his previous concert and it was like WoW...
In Red: Single seating
In Grey: Unavailable
And yesterday chatted with Yati & Bi till abt 2am @ Bedok Mac keke.. it's been super long since we last met up with Yati.. excluding Hari Raya tat Sunday. Nice catching up~ :)
Too bad Lai's working..
Initially meeting @ Parkway and wanna go Astons for dinner but..... the super long queue, we gave up. We were all quite hungry then.. went further up to "The Coffee Showcase" instead. Nice food and reasonable range too.. have tried it twice with my colleague, Cindy. Can try it..
Haha after the set meal of main course, soup of the day, cake and choice of drink, we stayed on and chat chat.. girls craved for dessert keke.. Bi and Peiling ordered a cake to share.. Triple layer chocolate cake. Nice.. tat's also our cake of the day. While Yati, her espresso called "Macchiato" and for me, hot apple tea.. i like the transparent teapot. Heez..
Oh ya.. it was a coincidence tat Peiling joined us yesterday.. happened to see her while waiting for Yati @ Bedok inter haa.. So nice tat we all gathered again after so long.. rare chance i would say.
P/s: Not referring to with Bi of cos.. haha~
Hope to catch up with Ting and the rest soon.. think at least 2 mths since our previous gathering le.. was alittle busy these few wks.. Ps..
At work, shipments are said to be fewer than earlier.. but still there are things to be done asap. Haa.. at times challenging doh.. cos i'll get to learn new things. :)
Let's all meet up asap too! ^^
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