*Maggie Mee*

"You don't get very far in life without having to be brave an awful lot. The most important thing about bravery is not about being fearless - it's about being scared and doing it anyway - that's bravery." -Ysebella Braye-

Thursday, September 07, 2006

TrUe OR FaLse??

Haha im a little bo liao nw... let me post some Horoscope stuff for U guys... juz a brief one la.. read on~!

CAPRICORN - Dec 22 ~ Jan 19
Once Capricorns conquer their natural reserve and shyness, they make terrific partners: for although they are cautious and introverted, they can be very faithful when in a relationship. They need a partner who will support them emotionally and give them a much needed boost in confidence. Proceeding through life cautiously and methodically Capricorns seem to have an instinctive awareness of their abilities, which they apply resourcefully in the pursuit of definite goals. When their heads are down, little will distract them. However, they may have bouts of depression due to the hard tasks they set themselves, and find it difficult to let off steam.

AQUARIUS - Jan 20 ~ Feb 18
Aquarians are strongly independent and cannot bear to be tied down. Their firm views and opinions can quickly change to obstinacy and stubbornness when provoked. Nevertheless, they are faithful and supportive in the right relationship. They may become ensconsed in a committed relationship but need to preserve their privacy and independence. Idealistic Aquarians are full of suggestions for changing the state of the world condition. They are frequently fascinated by health issues, especially in the area of new healing techniques. Yet they can easily neglect themselves. They are simply far too absorbed in their thoughts. A tremendous zest for life gives them enormous staying power; but, extremely self-willed, they will stubbornly resist any advice to slow down.

PISCES - Feb 19 ~ Mar 20
The most idealistic, romantic and highly-strung sign, Pisceans are only too happy to loose theselves in their relationships. Being loved is central to their well-being. They are very caring, and make compassionate partners. Piscean sensitivity is so finely turned that it reacts like blotting paper to atmospheres. When nursing the sick, for instance, Pisceans are apt to reflect a patients's own symptoms themselves. Indeed, Pisceans often have problems defining the boundaries between fact and fiction in general.

ARIES - Mar 21 ~ Apr 19
As the first sign of the zodiac, Arians cannot help putting themselves first, although they are very effectionate and gernerous towards their loved ones. They have warm and enthusiastic natures and can be very demonstrative. This sign has more than its fair share of vigorous health. In fact, always impatient to meet the next challenge, Arians cannot spare the time to be ill. They have remarkably quick powers of recovery; and since Aries rules the head, typical ailments of this fiery sign are raging headaches and fevers which seem to 'burn off' in no time.

TAURUS - Apr 20 ~ May 20
Taureans are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and settled routine. Although they have Earth as their element, they can be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love. By nature, Taureans are slow and persistent. They settle into a comfortable groove and need a great deal of persuading before they will change. But while they generally have sturdy constitutions, their earthly attraction to the good life often leads to overindulgence. Indeed there is nothing more appealing to the Taurean palate than rich and sweet foods, and nothing more palate for them to forfeit. But discipline with eating habits is essential to their well-being. Taurus rules the thyroid glad, which regulates the body's metabolism. Unless high-calorie, fatty diets are avoided, weight problems will pague their later years.

GEMINI - May 21 ~ Jun 20
Geminis are renowned for their dual personalities and ablilty to change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if rather fickle at times. Natural communications, Geminis do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundance. They will spend ages chatting to them about every subject under the sun, just to find out what makes the tick. Restless Geminis tend to live on their nerves, consuming enough energy for two. Distracted by their inquistive minds, they even often forget bodly need as basic as eating and sleeping. As Gemini rules the nervous system, mental and nervous exhaustion are potential trouble spots.

CANCER - Jun 21 ~ Jul 22
Emotions play a very important role in the lives of Cancerians. Althugh naturally defensive and afraid of being hurt, they puttheir hearts and souls into relationships and are faithful, loving and loyal partners. Beneath the tough outer shell of the crab, there is a soft underbelly; and so it is with Cancerians. Howeven cool they appear on the surface, they are highly responsive to emotional upsets. Watery Cancer rules the stomach and alimentary canal, and the Cancerian's sensitive digestive system is the area most likely to register and distress. Those born under this sign tend to bottle things up; and resulting long-term tension may lead to stomach ulcers. While they are very supportive of those around them, they are likely to suffer in silence. They do not communicate easily, which makes it difficult for others to support them.

LEO - Jul 23 ~ Aug 22
Expansive, generous and caring, Leos revel in love affairs and all things romantic. They are passionate and demonstrative, and like nothing better than spoiling their loved ones. Radiant and energetic, Leos bring so much light into other people's lives that they can be blind to the needs of their own, especially where health is concerned. Their needs to be appreciated drives them on to endless feats of achievement; and because they have so much natural vitality, they refuse to ease up.

VIRGO - Aug 23 ~ Sept 22
Although they may seem shy, introverted and self-concious on the surface, Virgos blossom and relax once love comes their way. Virgos sometimes find it hard to show their love. They have a thoughful approach, and always look before they leap, analyzing all the possible consequences of a relationship. A passion for attention to details has given Virgoans a reputation for hypochondria. Mind and body are as sone to them. Information is like food: it is digested, and only what is useful is absorbed.

LIBRA - Sept 23 ~ Oct 22
Falling in love comes naturally to Librans, whose whole reason for living centre around happy and enduring relationships. For them a life without love is not worth contemplating, since they find it hard to function properly without somone special in their hearts. They long for the emotional security of knowing that they are loved. As the sign of the scales, Libra's main concern is to weigh up options and arrive at correct decision. The sharp libran mind shows good judgement in the affairs of others. But in their own lives, the spectre of indecision rises to haunt them. Rather that confront emotional issues honestly, they will sometimes prefer to settle for peace at any price. In so doing, they suppress their deepest desires. This fustration may lead to illness.

SCORPIO - Oct 23 ~ Nov 21
The intensity and passion of Scorpios makes them unforgettable partners when it comes to love. They take their love affairs very seriously, which sometimes leads to jealously. Their innate secrecy can also make it difficult for them to confront problems in a romantic relationship. Of all the Sun signs, Scorpios are easliy the most misunderstood. They are commonly associated with the rawest human emotions, such as malice and retribution, as well as sexual obsession. Scorpio's rule over the sex organs only seems to bear this out. But while this may be true of some Scorpios, it be no means describes the majority.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 22 ~ Dec 21
Allthough they often prefer to be footloose and fancy free, once involved in a relationship Sagittarians will make it as much fun and as enjoyable as possible. Sagittarians are usually very gregarious people, but they gladly find the time for one important loving relationship. They are very warm and caring, althought their light-hearted affection may seem a bit too casual for some of the more passionate Sun signs, who prefer more security. Sagittarians approach life on a grand scale, whether through their words, deeds or eating habits. They love excitement and adventure; and what they fear most is the prospect of being immobilized by illness. But constant restlessness drives them to use up enormous reserves of energy, endangering the mobility which they value so much. Atendency to sing from the heights of ubounded enthusiasm to deep depression may also often appear out of proportion to the events that riggered such emotions; but like the other Fire signs, Sagittarians do not take kindly to advice about their health habits.

Okie.. so after reading.. tell me.. does it say bout U? .....or mayb ur friends? Haha.. as for me, alittle, esp on the forgetting part haha... i gt damn poor memory as from those who knew..

Noe wats mine le ba..? =)


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